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First night out in heels!


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Well, I've finally done it! Last night was my cousin's birthday and we went out to Jilly's, a rock club in Manchester. A couple of times she'd said that I should go out in heels, and we decided that considering the pervading alternative dress in Jilly's there would be a good place for my first outing. I was wearing my knee-length Malicias with the red flames and the four inch metal heels, but brought my trainers in a daysack in case the heels got to be too much to bear. I was absolutely bricking it before we went out, so much so that I forgot my wallet and her boyfriend had to lend me some beer money. Oops! She bascially bullied me out of the door, and we set off to the railway station. That was really scary! Every time I saw somebody I was expecting them to yell "Hey look! That guy's wearing heels!" They also felt much higher on pavement than they do indoors. The worst bit was walking into the station itself where there was a girl who looked like Vicky Pollard with her (I assume) boyfriend and father and all three of them were drinking. Either they didn't notice or didn't care. Walking through Piccadilly station my confidence was growing. There were loads of people about and I didn't notice anyone noticing my boots. First stop of the night was the Salisbury, a rockers pub near to Oxford Rd Station. Once I was in there I felt completely at ease, and after a bit was happily sitting with my legs crossed and boots on full view. After a while I started to feel disappointed that nobody had commented! I had a mouth like a roofer's glove from the stress earlier, so the first beer was very welcome! The short walk to Jilly's was no problem, I'd had a couple of beers and felt like I could take on the world! Unusually for me I did actually venture onto the dancefloor, and as they kept playing music that I liked I stayed up there until my feet were so sore I had to sit down. We were quite near the edge and I noticed a girl nearby frantically waving to try and attract her friend's attention with one hand while pointing at my feet with the other. When her friend looked over I saw her still pointing and saying excitedly "Look! Look! And dancing in them too!" Her friend smiled at me and give me a thumbs-up. Eventually I headed for the nearest table to have a rest. As I was sitting at the edge of the dancefloor, people were passing by fairly often and I had my legs crossed with my ankle resting on my knee. One guy brushed past my boot, did a double take, backed up to have a better look and remarked "Nice one mate, they're cool!" We had a taxi booked for 2:30 which failed to turn up, so we ended up wandering around to find one. By this time both my cousin and I were quite footsore, but I was determined to stick with the heels until we got home. In fact it developed into a competition after she remarked that her feet hurt too and I offered her my trainers! Neither of us was prepared to be the first to call it quits and give up on the heels, much to the amusement of her boyfriend as we painfully walked along going "You can borrow my trainers if you like." "Sod off, you wear them." "Ah go on, they're sooo comfortable!" "No way am I taking these off and being beaten by you on your first time out!" With an occasional interjection of "You're both mad you two!" From her boyfriend. When we got home, for the first time in my life I actually wanted to take off a pair of heels! She took hers off first though, which sparked a good-natured argument when I pointed it out. It was during this argument that she pointed out that she'd been wearing a corset all night, and therefore won on the discomfort. By this time she'd got changed, and I ended up trying it on over my t-shirt. I now know I like corsets too! So, very long-winded post, but we all had a great night, especially me who'd realised a long ambition and worn stiletto boots on a night out! Looking forward to doing it again! :drinking: Chris

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Not so much long winded as a good story well told, sounds like the whole night was a great success. Well done for getting the courage up to just go out there and do it.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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hi chris100575, firstly well done for getting the chance to go out in such nice boots, stilletos for your first time so what are you going to do for your next outing?? i thoroughly enjoyed reading your story of your adventures. happy heeling regards kinheels

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chris100575, Want an excellent outing, with compliments to boot (pun not intended, but I'll take credit for it anyway). That must have been a terrific confidence booster.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Great job, Chris! I remember my first time. Pretty comparable with the feelings you were having. Your stomach is in nots the before you go out and on the way there. But once I was in the club and with some people, I was good to go. Do you have a pic of the boots you wore? Oh..and Newfie...I'm glad you decided on getting the pumps!

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Thanks for the responses guys. The support and friends I have here went a long way to boosting my confidence, as did my cousin who bullied me into wearing them. In the nicest possible way, she did say that if I looked her in the eye and said that I really couldn't go through with it I didn't have to, but otherwise I was going out in them if she had to drag me.

Now I've done it once I'm looking forward to wearing them again. I don't think I'll be wearing heels as day to day footwear, but next night out I will be!

Kinheels: I think I was working on the assumption that people might notice I'm wearing heels anyway, so I might as well go all out, plus I'd probably have been just as nervous in something less obvious, as the problem was in my head. I doubt I'll be trying to top those boots though.

Canadianbeaver: Rather than post another photo, if I can redirect you to the New (Rock) Boots thread I started here if you go about halfway down I was wearing the knee length ones with the red flames. Further down is a pic of the same boots with my jeans over them as I wore them that night.

Booty lover: I got them from eBay, the seller's shop can be found here. Unfortunately the knee length ones are very difficult to find, and she now only has size 4 left. There's a calf length version of the same boot which is available pretty much anywhere that sells New Rocks. Googling for "New Rock 9591" should find you a pair, or Cloggs has them cheaper than I've seen elsewhere.

Now I just need to break the final barrier and tell the rest of my friends. Should be easier now I can say "Well, I wore them out all night and nobody seemed to mind."


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