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Heels in a biker bar


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So there we were, Cindi and I, killing time on Sunday, in the resort community of Forest Lake, MN. Cindi's car had a flat tire, and we were waiting for the tire shop to install new rear tires on the Toyota. We caught lunch at Norman Quack's restaurant, and decided to do a walking tour of the town. We hiked around town, visited the new lakefront park, and ambled over to Main Street. The "Forest Laker" is something of a notorious biker bar, now newly remodled and expanded. We entered this august establishment, and settled in a booth. The waiter took our order for drinks and we absorbed the ambience. There were a few leather clad biker characters, and assorted hangers on. Cindi was in flat shoes, because her feet were blistered from a full day in heels on Saturday at her nephew's college graduation ceremony and reception. I was in my White Mountain "Jordan" black leather ankle boots, with chunky three inch heels. My slacks were dark blue, Lee Rider, denim capri pants, which made the boots fully visible. As we made ready our departure, we asked the waiter for our check. "How much is the damage?," Cindi asked. "Nothing," replied the waiter, "No charge." I cannot say why we drank for free, in the biker bar, but that is a most unusual experience. Has anyone else had that happen? That, while wearing heels, you stopped into a tavern, which you never before frequented, and were treated to free beverages?

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That is strange. Couple of possibilities: It was your first time there. Sometimes bar owners give the first drink on the house to entice you to return. Sort of makes you feel "obligated." The waiter thought your wearing heeled boots was novel enough she wanted to complement your choice of fashion and gave you the drinks free.

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I remembered the first time I walked into a bar in heels - I was scared to death! Other than walking around the block at 2am (not really "public" when everyone's asleep), it was my first time wearing heels in public. In fact, I'd had two beers at the bar wearing sneakers before I got up enough nerve to go back to the parking lot and change into a pair of boots from Payless. They were made of cheap plastic and the heels clacked something fierce (which is why you "pay less"). But once inside, the noise level was high so it wasn't a problem. I bellied up to a more dimply lit section of the bar, hopped on the stool, and put my feet on the railing. I then looked down to discover, to my horror, that at the angle I was sitting my heels were exposed for the world to see. I thought about standing, but nobody stands at a bar - I'd probably attract the wrong kind of attention! Not more than two minutes later, the waitress came up to the bar. I'd unwittingly chosen to sit right next to where they pick up drinks. She's waiting for the bartender to come over, looks down at my heels about the same time I caught her eyes, and she says politely, with a smile, "Nice boots - I have a similar pair. How do you like them?" I told her it was the first time I've worn them out, and she responded with, "they're cool boots" before she picked up the drinks and left. It took many outings, but as time went on it became less of an issue. I till like to minimize the flair, though - I'm just in heels because I like the way they feel.

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Dear 1819: Thanks for that info. My next outing I hope to stop at an out of the way bar in kind of a secluded mall area and that's some good info you've provided. I haven't been inside before but I figure to just open the door and make a decision then as to going on in. It doesn't look to be busy at all during the afternoon. I only get out of town about once or twice a year so I have to make the best of it. I'm with you, I don't really want any attention just want to be wearing. wineanddine

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I have found that by and large that bikers respect people who are a "bit different" and are rebelling against the establishment like they are. If you'd tried to hide your heels, things might have been different.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I'm not a biker (at least yet- I'm a bit keen on vintage motorcycles and like their look, but don't own any), but there's an "Iron Horse" club in the city. Maybe I'll visit it if something interesting (like a concert) is gonna happen there- of course leathered up head-to-toe. I've seen several girls' posts on an online forum regarding this place- they like guys wearing leather pants :roll:.

What is good for a goose, can be good for any gender!

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