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Breakfast in Stiletto Heels


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I was up before six this morning today, for a breakfast date with my woman. All washed, dressed, shaved and groomed, before seven. With a few minutes to spare, I cut her a bouquet of fresh lilac blooms, from the bushes in my garden. Then back into the house to don my knee-high stiletto hoochie boots, worn with my trousers tucked inside. We ate at a local restaurant, a hearty breakfast of steak, eggs, and potatoes. After that, we made quick stops at Walmart and Target, to pick up a few things. In daylight, the stiletto hoochie boots are obvious to all within one hundred yards. They can hardly be missed. The only comment was from a cashier at Walmart, who said, "Nice boots." In the Target parking lot, my woman saw one old lady who allegedly gave me a 180 degree double take, but I did not see this myself. Once again, an uneventful daylight heeling adventure, but without much suspense or any real adventure. By the way, my woman likes my hoochie boots. She bought them for me at Nine West, as a Christmas gift. Other heelmen have crises with their girlfriends and wives, and are fearful of public heeling. My girlfriend buys me heels and we enjoy many public outings and events, in our heels. My boots draw many unsolicited compliments, (usually from young gals) and cause no difficulties. What the heck is going on, that heeling is so easy and painless for me, and so troubling for some other fellows and their partners?????? Comments invited, please.

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A large part of the hang-up I had about wearing heels was down to my wife making me feel like it was something to be ashamed of. I'm not blaming her, she didn't do it on purpose to make me feel bad, it's just that she struggled to cope with the idea of her big tattooed husband in spiky heels. With the help of supportive friends I'm feeling a lot better about my heels, and am planning my maiden flight in them next week. Will let you know how I get on. Chris ps. Glad it's working out so well for you and your SO.

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i am in the same league with you magick. my wife encourages my heel wearing, 6 or 7.5 inch heel boots or sandals! i use to wear my 6 inch heel collection all over this city but have recently retired them in favour of my 7.5's. it can be done! and every now and again she will wear her 6 or 7.5 inch heels and i love the reaction she gets. its a lot of fun and a great way to live: in freedom!

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Hrm this will be a very interesting thread to keep an eye on! I have two friends in Ohio that are female, yet they own a collar, leash and choker. And, more as a joke than anything else, they "lead" each other shopping and stuff. When they found out I had a huge boot fetish, the very first thing they asked me was "have you ever worn them in public?" The simple fact is, I find british people in general (im not accusing anyone in particular) somewhat close minded. I hear alot about people being singled out because they are different. Me wearing boots in the city at night would be just as dangerous and putting my fingers into a wall socket after licking them! :roll: People here amaze me because they would rather turn their lives so they appear more "mainstream" I simply dont wear them outside in public for 2 reasons. 1: because its a private thing, if I find a partner who accepts me and my love of boots then its something to be enjoyed indoors (or even out driving around). 2: although I can cope with 4 1/2" heels, I cannot wear heels for very long just yet. As of late I have not had the time alone so I can ease me feet into heels. I walk alot during the working day and I cannt afford to hurt my feet/ankles etc. So basically that is how I see it. Society here is just not accepting enough...broadly speaking anyway.

I learned the truth a long time ago, being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive...

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