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Married Boot Lovers


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Cathy and I have been amrried 27 years and known one another for 32 now. From day one Cathy has known about my fetish. Heck, how could she not!! My first gift for her was a pair of leather high platform knee Boots in 1975. From day one Cathy has shared my love for Boots and has always found that Boots look very sexy on me. She enjoys when we go out and I am wearing Boots. How? I believe it all comes down to sharing and openness. She knows I am comfortable and confident, therefore she feeds off that. Be confident! Be yourself...she married you because of who you are....a pair of high heel Boots should never come in the way of that, david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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How many of us share that secret connection with the dollies out there in public coming and going everywhere in those wonderful stilettos..

..when I see stilettos on the street I get a delicious feeling that I can sense how they might feel..

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Donna said I could wear them when we go out together "just so long as we don't go where anyone knows me.."

but, a wonderful work in progress..


..by the way, these are are here: if anyone else would like to order:


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oh please not to worry the day she accepts them is the day she forgets to notice I decided to just wear them on some outing..today she said "you seem kind of tall tonight are you wearing your spikeheels?" .."nuh uhhh" ..so she had to look to be sure..lol ------------------------------------------ but, seriously, like many of you have mentioned previously... as we become accustomed to wearing them more the focus shifts away from the "event" and they become mostly just part of what makes our world go around...as we (pretend to) notice them less others are less likely to pay attention to our little drama being played out.. .so the question becomes: is wearing them a big deal or is it not..on one hand they are the Centers Of Our Universe so how can we possibly downplay them and pretend they are just somethng we wear on our feet?? how can the two opposite expressions co-exist?? comments?? J

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Mickey has known that I wear heels for many, many years now and goes along with them and my fondness for wearing them. We were just in a DSW store yesterday looking for shoes for us both. Fortunately or unfortunately, (which ever way you look at it), neither one of us found anything that sparked our fancies. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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