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Stilettos: Not for outdoor use!?


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yesterday I had my 2nd real outing in my stiletto boots. I think I lost 1/3rd of the heel tips so far after a total of just 45min. of street heeling! And they don't wear off evenly so this way they will not last long...

I really love taking my beauties outside but the only thing I could think about were the demolition sounds that I heard with every step that I took. I had my eye on a nice long stretch of pavement along a busy road but after just 10mtr. my stilettos had sunk between the tiles a couple of times. That really damages the leather covering on the heels so I decided to walk through a park with asphalt roads instead but that was quite rough and made my heels constantly scratch and squeal.

We all know that in public you shouldn't look down at your feet to attract attention but I just had to look down the whole time to avoid the worst dangers. That really spoiled the joy of the walk and I don't think I'm going to take this EUR200,- stiletto boots out again.

It wasn't all 100% bad though, I also went to the ATM inside my local bank which has a hard stone outside entrance and interior floors: incredibly exciting acoustics and comfortable with stilettos! And when I came home, walking indoors had become twice as easy and I just forgot I was wearing 12cm. stilts!

Anyway, I only enjoy them as long as they're in (almost) perfect condition and I hate heels that are all scratched and scuffed so I think I'm going to buy these nice Western boots from Italian Heels.

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I Photoshopped them on my feet already and I think they also look quite sexy. What are your experiences with stilettos outdoors? Would these boots be better for outdoor use and at the same time be more acceptable? I think I would just go really public with these now I'm getting more and more comfortable with my stiletto boots.

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Stilettos are certainly for outdoor use, but the plastic heel tips that come standards on most stilettos aren't. Have you local cobbler yank those things off and have them replaced with hard rubber tips. These will last at least 10 times as long as plastic ones, maybe more. Sounds like you have had fun out and about in them. Continue enjoying them.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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Some months ago I have won an auction on 100 plastic heel tips in german Ebay. Not bad but misfitting to several of my boots. I would like to know if there is an international standard for heels studs? I have lost any hope ... only a worldwide chaos :D nice greetings micha

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I to hate it when my heels go in the cracks and the leather scuffs, unfortunately this is one of the hazards of stills and for me is also part of the fun of wearing. most of my stills have painted heels so if they scratch they can be painted again. the heels i wear most are almost white for the first inch where they have caught in the cracks and they are black boots, but it does show that they have had some serious action. metal tips as well last longer and make geat noise especially when you scrap a heel along the ground which sometimes happens

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My stiletto heeled thigh boots are for walking. Everyone says you should practice walking in high heels so that you are comfortable wearing them. Both in how you look and how you feel wearing them. Another part of the practice/experience is knowing what kind of terrain you can walk on. Rough walks and lots of cracks to be avoided at least in stilettos. After a while you just naturally walk in heels and avoid rough terrain. I use rubber heel tips and get good mileage out of them. They work well on slick floors which are also to be tread with caution. Part of the general maintenance of the boots, like cleaning and polish, are new heel tips. The boots look great. Get some new heel tips and show them off. Who knows, after a while you will wear them outside your pant legs.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I wouldn't give up on them just yet but you are absolutely correct about where you walk in them (stilettos). I took these out for a spin last weekend ( the pink ones).


It's not New York or anything so I have to be careful about recognition and decided that the rest areas on the Interstate were ideal since nobody that lives here would stop there only out of town travellers? The best part, all concrete sidewalks, vending areas, rest rooms ,etc..and well lit up at night. I walked the full length of the sidewalk, up to the vending area, went inside, nobody said or did anything. Bought a bottled water. I was a little nervous about the walk back to the car since everybody seems to leave their headlights on and walking in front of the other cars was like being on stage. It went so well I circled around and did the same at the rest area on the other side of the Interstate. No problems. Sweet...

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Don't let the heel tips slow you down on your having fun wearing your stilettos outside. Many here do this day in and day out. Get the heel tips replaced with a hard rubber or metal and you will notice that they last much longer. Then go out and take them for a spin again and again. Don't miss out on the fun of doing this. The more you practice, the more fun you will have and after a while you will forget that you are wearing heels. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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