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Lucky Magazine.com response to men in heels


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Kneehighs, Gotta say that these pics you present are much better to get debate on our cause going over those with Stiletto heels in. I like the look, well I would wouldn't I :D however that image is probably too advanced for general consumption at this time. Woth going back to the other boards and post those pics there and having "shocked" them with the siletto shots see how they react to the block heels. Could well work. TB2

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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Well, I think its actually beneficial to include the pics of men in stilettos. For whatever its worth, the stiletto pics induce curiosity in the reader. The stiletto pics also are very newsworthy. Curiosity and news worthiness are two major pulling features in successful advertising. The stiletto pics arguably cause more discoursive conversation and in some cases, leave the reader conceding in written form, that block heels are okay. The act of writing something out in it of itself manifests a form of commitment. To committ so publically is even more powerful. These comittments arguably are not being achieved with just the block heels pics, which suggests to me that a new course of mixed pic intros is justified. Time to test out a mixture of block heels and stilettos. If you ask me, the key to success lies in the perpetual testing of ALL variables too, not just the pictures, but the thread title, but the ad copy too. For example, I thought about using the thread title, "They laughed when they saw a man in high heels, but when I explained why..." I've also thought about telling a story in the thread, ala thighbootguy adventure style. Stories are inherently interesting.

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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