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Hi all some of you may remember me as exitman - I have been off the board for a while but still browsed.

The reason I have been off is as some of you may remember my folks found my boots, block ankle boots of about 3inches and asked me about them. I froze and of course denied it all but my mum said that it was ok if you dont wear them she would, but I still left it...

anyway time passed and the other week my mum and I were getting ready to go out christmas shopping when she goes to put on a pair of shoes which she hadnt remebered buying... so she asked "are these mine or yours" to which I just said yours. So I am now really starting to think I should just wear my boots, What do you think - how should I approach the situation.

anyhow, I have still been wearing heels out and about when Im out and just change back before I go into the house. So I am now very capable of wearing heels....better than most women now. So I recently started wearing boots I never thought I would like this: -

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so I have been wearing these for a while now while christmas shopping and stuff. I have been starting to get a few back-glances but dont really care. There was a few today when I was walking passed a woman using a cash machine - she heard me comming and looked down, but didnt say anything. Another which was quite uncomfortable was on a bus. I was on a double-deck bus - top deck and about five school girls tracked me while getting off. So I may just wear these type of boots for special occasions and stick to block type heels. But first I need to get around my folks, without appearing to be something strange.

Sorry for the long post just thought I would re-introduce myself and ask for advice. Are there any young heel wearers here (teens - early 20s) if so how did ytou tell your folks and are the supportive.

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It seems as iff your mum is entertaining the idea of you wearing your boots but you keep passing it off. In all honesty she knows they are yours and wants you to admit it. Sha allready said that it is ok so try your hand and just tell her that you like to wear them. If you are not gay don't even bring that subject up but if she asks that question (this may seem weird but point her to the site and show her how many men are into his style of she fashion. You might have a shopping partner now and If you go out with her in some boots your confidence will grow and you won't stick to sepcial occasions to wear them you will go out as much as you can in them. Good luck and welcome back.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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It certainly sounds like your mom is saying it's OK. Maybe she spotted you outside the house. Perhaps she's thinking: "Let's see now... high heels are not drugs, bad friends, or holding up convenience stores; they don't harm anyone, and obviously, like myself and many other women, he enjoys wearing them. If there's anything wrong with this, it's 'why the hell won't he wear them for his own mother?!'"

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Wow my long paragraph seems long and drawn out after that. Either way tell her and I bet you guys will have fun out and about together.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Non-Exitman:-) Welcome back. Glad that you decided to rejoin us here. Now, the next time that your Mom says, "Are these yours or mine", tell her that you think that they may be yours and see just what she says after that. Then you might end up wearing them a lot more than you think. You could do a lot worse than shopping for shoes and boots with your Mom. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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The reason I have been off is as some of you may remember my folks found my boots, block ankle boots of about 3inches and asked me about them. I froze and of course denied it all but my mum said that it was ok if you dont wear them she would, but I still left it...

anyway time passed and the other week my mum and I were getting ready to go out christmas shopping when she goes to put on a pair of shoes which she hadnt remebered buying...

so she asked "are these mine or yours" to which I just said yours.

so she asked "are these mine or yours" to which I just said yours :Didiot

There was the perfect entree that your mum provided and you blew it !

I think you need to fish out your blocks and tell your mum, stand up, be a man, and say 'mum, there's something I need to tell you ..... OK, you obviously know already, but I have this thing about high heels.' Make sure it's just your mum and you.

I'm pretty sure she will be OK about your heels and, if necessary, get around to breaking it to your dad.

Best wishes


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Wow, wish I had the same opportunity to tell my mother about my heels. Talk about easy.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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formallyknownas... I can relate totally to your thing. I'm twenty-one myself. I basically told my folks one night that I wear them. There reaction was "aaaa ok, whatever makes you happy". It was awkward for everyone at the time, but then after it wasn't a big deal. True I don't wear them around them, but they know about them, for example I don't really hide them in my room anymore. My mom has even borrowed a pair of my shoes before - So that is kinda cool! Those boots you picked to wear out are a nice choice. I've never heeled (like that, with that style) alone before, mostly just with friends. But now you are making me wonder if I should do it solo. I know it easy easy to say that those girls or whoever were staring at you because "they were interesting", but it is just not something you see everyday. Everyone tries to conform to society. (yes, i know, it's a bold statement). It is not easy for the most of us to do what we do. From what you are telling us about out experiences, it seems like you're off to a good start. This might be a HUGE step, but next time you go out with your mom shopping, just slide on them boots like you are putting on a pair of running shoes. I notice that when I don't make a big deal, no one else does. Keep up the good work! Feel free to e-mail me if you want some more advice/encouragement.

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