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Contest! Talk about it here, not in the Poll thread-Thanks!


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Please talk about my contest here, not in the poll thread. Thanks! And PLEASE participate in the poll! Up to $100 worth of heels for the most complete respondant (that is, the one who follows the rules to the greatest degree). Again, this is for the cause of heel-wearing in general. I make nothing from it, and am footing the $100 prize from my own pocket. It's less than what I would have spent going to London for the London heel meet, so, hey - it's a small price to pay for the advancement of our cause. If it gets manufacturers thinking that the vast sales of size 13, 14, 15+ fetish shoes are really due to men simply wanting to wear heels (they do) but can't find normal heels in their size) they can't, then it's a good thing. Beyond that, please ensure your responses are as complete, true, and accurate as possible. Thanks! - Gene'

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Currently at work, but I will research heel pic urls when I get home. I can answer the questions for now: 1: 29 yrs 2:1.5" walks the same as flats 99% of the time. 3:4" is my current heel max for wandering around a few miles in public. 4:3-4" would be good for most activities. 5:US mens 7-8, womens 8.5-10(depends on design, make, etc) 6:Prefered material would be matte finish leather. 7:I'd prefer more on the masculine side, not much for studs/sequins/lace. 8:XY chromosome 9:I appear male. 10:Homosexual 11:5'8" tall 12:155# 13:Southwest Florida, USA 14:Not married.. law forbids it. 15:29 yrs (duplicate to question #1) 16:Agnostic, but raised catholic. 17:Depends on mood/weather.. Lighter clothing when hot/sunny. 18:Denim/cottons. 19:between $60-70k. I will start looking for pics of styles I like. Ps: sorry, posted originally in the other thread.. but now I have 2 nephews and 2 neices running around the office. May not be able to dig around the net much

(formerly known as "JimC")

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