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Loving My Reflection


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Hi Danielle, Your www link isn't working, also tried the link on your profile and too is down. From the threads I can see you've had a very rough time the past three months. Hope things are getting better. You're in chicago now? david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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hmm thats strange, I was just at the geocities page. Try it again tomorrow, I guess. The photobucket should work just fine, I took the password requirement off so you can just go in and view. edit// yeah, I'm in the chicago area now. living on the north side, near skokie. things are going okay here, only that I'm having something of a heel withdrawal. I'm not depressed or anything (I find that "addictive" activities don't apply to me, not even smoking), just wish I had some heels out here. I'm particularly upset that a great pair of boots I had while I was in Georgia disappeared right before I left. I was supposed to wear them to surprise a friend I was going out with, that surprise instead turned out to be a trip to ESPN Zone. ;)

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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