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Interesting Feeling


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For the most part, I pretty much wear heels all the time (although nothing this groups seems to like much). Anyway, this weekend I had to go pick up a piano we just bought on Ebay. Seeing as how much a piano weighs, etc, I didn't think it would be a good idea to wear them while moving the piano, so I wore sneakers. I noticed that even when walking in my sneakers, I tended to walk more on my toes alot (we stopped by the store to pick up something to drink on the way back and I walked all over the grocery store on my toes) and actually I felt very strange as if I was alot flatter than normal while wearing the sneakers. Even when driving I put my feet at an arch instead of flat. As soon as the move was over and the truck returned to the rental place, I immediately got back into my heeled clogs and felt normal again. Anyone else experience this? Scotty

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For the most part, I pretty much wear heels all the time (although nothing this groups seems to like much).

As soon as the move was over and the truck returned to the rental place, I immediately got back into my heeled clogs and felt normal again.

Anyone else experience this?


Scotty ,

I couldn't agree with both things more! The first statement about the group not liking the fact you wear your heels all the time is so true, that is why I left and no longer post pics or any responses anywhere, I just read things here every few weeks or so ,

However , I just had to create this account to let you know you're not alone in the feeling when you do not have your heels on, I too have the same thing happen whenever I don't wear heels. I think you just get so used to the arch and the way you have to walk in them that your body just wants to continue to walk like that , even though there not on anymore.

Take Care

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Hi Guest777, Glad to hear I am not the only one that has experienced the effect of trying to wear flat shoes after wearing heels pretty much all the time. Also to clearify, I didn't mean to say that the group didn't appreciate that I wear heels all the time, but rather they don't seem to like the style of heels I like to wear. Lately I get the impression that you have to wear spiked heels or else your not considered a street-heeler or pushing the envelope. As I stated many times, I love spiked heels and I would wear them all the time IF I could, but realisitically, I can't. 1) I don't have the body type that looks good in spiked heels (age or weight) 2) I don't have a job where I could wear them to work and get away with it 3) I have young kids and they would think it odd if I wore more feminine heels (so far they think nothing of the wedge heels or chunky heels I wear) and most important of all 4) My wife disapproves me wearing spiked heels in public (in private with just the two of us she tolerates). Given the above issues, I look for more discrete heels and I think I have found a very good compromise in wedge type heels/clogs. I do wear them pretty much all the time (home and work) and I still get the effect of wearing heels without drawing alot of attention to myself. Scotty

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Hi guys, Just popped in to say any high heel style qualifies for street heeling. True some of us here prefer a stiletto, myself included. It just doesn't matter what kind of heel style you do it in. It's nice to hear about guys wearing stilettos in public with few repercussions. And it can really give a major boost of confidence to those that would rather wear more descrete heels. Variety is the spice of life!

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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One of the common things about the group on this board is that they wear shoes styles that are not worn by everybody and they enjoy wearing. I enjoy thigh boots, some with stiletto heels, some with flat heels, (I think I still have a pair of Earth Shoe boots with a negative heel) but I appreciate reading about what other guys are wearing. You never know when another style will be something you want to try or someone’s experience may be something to watch out for.


Sorry you got negative feedback in the past. I would encourage you to keep posting. As Shafted said,” Variety is the spice of life”!

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I too enjoy wearing wedge heels with my jeans. Like Sscotty, not only are they stealthy, they're very comfortable for hours of walking. I've always thought that just wearing women's shoes qualifies one as a "street heeler (read: wearer).

This is a wonderful style for men that want to wear women's style shoes with a stealthy heel. I'm always on the lookout for another pair.

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Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I have a pair very similar that I wear for work. They are Snatch by Steve Madden. I found them on Ebay (The Steve Madden website only had them in US 9 and I need US 11). I was lucky enough to find a second pair and "Snatch"ed them as well.


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