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Just thought that I would share a couple of recent heeling experiences with you.

Back in March my wife & I took a trip to London to the ideal home exhibition, I took these..


with me in the car,but almost bottled wearing them out, I say almost, cos at the last moment I realised that I had left the car park ticket in the car,so I went back-got the ticket & put the above boots on, I spent the whole day in them & I can honesly say that I was not aware once that anybody had spotted them.

My peferred style with heels is to wear bootleg jeans that are long enough to cover the heel, so I guess they would be less noticable anyway.

A few weeks later I had the opportunity to go shopping on my own in London, feeling inspired by my earlier trip I again changed into the boots above, again no funny looks or comments or anything, now fast forward to a couple of weeks ago to yet another trip to London

This time these were packed in the car....


In the car also were the first pair of boots as well,but really I wanted to wear the Stilleto boots,so with my wife's approval I did.

I spent about 3 hours walking round Ikea, I know a security guard saw them, and a couple of girls at a petrol station spotted I think, but again, with the long jeans nobody else really seemed to notice, I was concious of the noise they made though at first but once the nerves had settlet I felt fine.

I hope my story encourages others to 'errrm' follow in my footsteps (terrible pun I'm sorry 'bout that) although I save to say that I probably never would have worn my heels outside without the support of my lovely wife.


BTW, the first pair were from ASDA & cost £10 (absolute bargain for leather boots), the second pair were from Brantano about 3 years ago

Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new.

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Ah, common now! You were concerned about wearing those boots in London? After being exposed to Firefox, Heelfan, Calv, Xaphode, Francis, Daz and a few more, I am surprised that you really thought anyone in that city would even give you a passing glance yet alone adverse reaction. :P (Great experience for you, though -- congratulations. I think you would enjoy attending one of FF's heelmeets. From what I've gathered, the guys (and some gals) really have a blast.)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Im no outside 'veteran' but from experience, as you say very little people in London actually notice, and the ones who do dont seem to care either. Its a fantastic place to go for a heely day out in comfort, and as bubba says, shopworkers have seen it all before in much more outrageous forms. Ive worn obviously pointy loud shoes places and got funny looks, the same pair in london hardly got spotted at all. So if like me your often a little shy London is an ideal place to get away n streetheel in peace. I must say that it was excellent when i had the support of my ex partner Jade who unfortunatley isnt with me anymore... but thats another story. Hence my heeling outings have decreased somewhat significantly since. Having your partner with u is a big confidence boost. daz

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Nice to see you're still around, Daz. I've missed your sparkling posts. :P Don't be a stranger. :P

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Thats the good thingh about London - everyone is too busy to notice - even when my girlfriend and I went out to the theatre in London one evening and I wore my pointy boots, nobody really looked or cared, even when on the busy train and we were both standing up! Its probably down to co-ordinating what you wear so it looks 'good' Glad to see you around too Daz Nik

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