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Why doesen't my log on work when I go to the forum. I have chicked the box that says log on every time I visit numerous times and it doesen't work. Then when I am at the forum it displays the same time& date. I can't veiw posts since my last visit. What's up???

77r90dL lf


It will be something to do with your machine not accepting cookies properly, either your browser settings or a firewall or similar. It's not a forum specific problem because it is working OK for me and there haven't been any other complaints. Try it from a cybercafe or another machine etc to verify your account is working properly and pin down the problem to your regular machine.



I would give up with Microsoft internet explorer, infact be brave and use linux or buy a mac.

go to http://www.mozilla.org/ and download Firefox, use that as your browser, everything will work, I promise.

Other than that you will have to change your settings in internet explorer and prey nobody hacks in to your computer!

PM me or post a reply to this if you need anymore help.


The angels have the phonebox.


I use I.E. V 6 and it works fine for me. Check that your computer is not set to delete cookies at the end of your internet session.

"You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave ! " The Eagles, "Hotel California"


Don't let me dissuade you from changing your browser and binning your computer if you are that way inclined, but not being able to use the board properly doesn't have anything to do with Internet Explorer. It's the way your set up is configured. I've no doubt a mac/linux/firefox/whatever system could be configured so the board didn't work properly too :P


Hi Firefox, Without a shadow of a doubt you are true in what you say. However, It is a well know fact that IE from microsoft has its problems and is far from being perfect. My take on the situation is if you want an easy life with computers, think about other options. I have been running linux now for months, without one crash, an update or a virus. life just got a whole lot easier. Nigel. BTW I am typing this whilst my work windows 2000 pc thinks about setting an IP printing port up ( a fairly basic task ). must go, it is asking me if I am sure I wanted to do this???????

The angels have the phonebox.


I agree IE has loads of problems. However, I have been running W98, IE5 (!!) and free virus software without a firewall for years, without crashes or problems. It's more to do with how you set up your software and how you use it, than what software you actually have. I didn't want crotchinboots or others to be confused by the complexities of the browser wars/anti M$ arguments (valid though they may be in some instances) if he/they more likely had a configuration problem :P


Firefox, You are soooooo cheap. Windows 98, at the moment it is the best operating system microsoft have, as far as viruses and worms go. not everybody gets it pre-installed though nowaday, in this century. Needless to say I take your point, and I am sorry if I scared anybody. Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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