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Can you believe this?

Steve B

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Recently I started dating someone with whom I've connected in a way that goes far beyond anything I've ever experienced in my life. She's an amazing woman who's honest and up front, and we have no problems telling each other anything at all. With that in mind, I told her that I like to wear heels, which was fine with her. When I offered to wear my 5-inchers in front of her, she agreed. Here's the topper: she actually LIKES the way they look on me! She says I look very natural in them! Believe me, she was just as surprised as I was. Needless to say, I will be wearing my 5" Pleasers whenever we're alone together from now on. She's even willing to buy a pair of 5" Pleasers for herself, although she's not sure how long she'd be able to wear them. We're going to shop for some 4" heels first. Although it's too early to tell if wedding bells are on the horizon, we're off to a great start. By the way, she loves to have her feet massaged, something I'm more than happy to do anytime.

Black 5-inch stilettos - the only way to go!

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Hi, I think you will have masses of posts from all the other single guys will be wanting to know where you met her and if you think there are any more there. best of luck and dont go all creepy on her, dont talk shoes 24-7 give it a rest at times and dont forget to talk about her. Nigel

The angels have the phonebox.

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Here's an update: today she ordered 5" Pleasers on line. She says she probably won't wear them in public - only when we're alone together. Believe me, we have plenty to talk about besides high heels. We've embarked on what we're referring to as an odyssey of discovery as we get to know each other. She may very well turn out to be the one.

Black 5-inch stilettos - the only way to go!

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SteveB:-) Congrats, but I don't want to burst your bubble. You just met this girl and you are already hinting of wedding bells. Give it a few months and then see if everything holds together. I'm happy for you and wish you and her all the luck in the world. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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