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Loose and slapping d'orsay sighting


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I saw a woman the other day in a pair of d'orsays with the sides cut out and a heel cup and they were acting basically as slides, believe it or not. They were open toed and when she walked her foot would arch and her heel would rise all the way out of the heel cup and the cup and heel would stay nearly on the ground. Then they would fling really quickly back onto her heel and slap it really loudly. It was incredibally sexy and made great noise. They wouldn't stay on her feet. Either they were too big, which didn't look to be the case, or they were really worn. It was great to know that she probably had worn them like that before and it seemed not to bother her.

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You're in my head. There was a girl on campus Friday afternoon wearing some black pumps which were about 2½ inches high - tame by the standards here. What made them interesting was that they were apparently too big for her; her shoes, too, acted basically as a pair of slides. I heard her coming from behind (with no clue of this, just the rather loud heel-clicks on the ground) and slowed my pace to let her pass by. Now I'm glad I did, because that was a fantastic sight :) I only wonder if she dangled her shoes whilst in class!

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Ok boys! Stop drooling and put your tongues back in.... :o Oooops made a little mess here :oops::)

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Well, to each his own, as they say. However, what you describe doesn't a thing for me except to think how uncomfortable the women must be trying to walk wearing shoes that don't fit or won't stay on their feet. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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