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Goddess Field Report - Work Reactions to my heels


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Yes, a rare event in the scope of the world, a Goddess field report. Long gone are the days of the Goddess diaries, but here now some commentary about work. I am amazed of late how many people notice my heels. Mostly women, but even men notice. Those who know me make comments. I've even seen a guy or two glance down rel quick as they pass by, just to see what I am wearing. It's that sort of glimpse that I would not notice unless I was checking for it. Hrm... high heels are a powerful weapon. Mosdtly, the women make the comments. They like what I wear. My beige sandals with the five inch stiletto heel? They've been called my hot mama shoes. Especially because I do my toenails red when wearing them. It offers a nice contrast to the tan-beige colour of the strappy sandals from the Highest Heel. My four inch heeled above the ankle boots? Well, the pointy toe gets notice. Most women are amazed I can wear them. Don't your feet hurt, how do you walk in those, and so forth. My answers so far have been honest and practical. Lots of practice, training... anyone can wear them if you work on it. Some people are fascinated, and I tell them my story. Of how I was used to mid heels, and slowly worked my way higher. No, they do not hurt, I have trained myself. I reveal tips and sectrets. About proper sizing, varying up the shoes, and many things like that. Although once when asked how I walk in those by a girl at work, I said "I move one foot, then the other, then the first, then the other one again..." Sometimes I jump, balance, and do simple tricks. People are amazed. The few guys who do ask wonder if the shoes hurt. With pride and honesty, I tell them no. The shoes in my avatar have been called party shoes, that they are excellent for the club but wasted on work. But I have to be who I am. And quickly I am earning a reputation for these high, extreme heels. Sometimes they ask where I got them. More often the women go on and on about how they would fall over and break a neck or leg or ankle or what have you. To which, I will always say "all you need is practice. If you ever want to learn, I'll be more than happy to teach you how to do it. So far, no bites. But one can hope! But the biggest compliment is when someone says "I thought about you the other day, I was going out and wearing heels and thought about how you do it all the time." And I was very much trying not to be an every day high heeled goddess. But I guess everyone is noticing. I will admit, I do receive a nice ego boost from it. Attention is good and soothes a goddess. It is a very nice reward. Not as nice as money or fabulous prizes or shoes, but it works a magic all its own. Celebrity and reputation still follow on my heels, it seems. Clicking along with me every step of the day. :-?

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All I can say is that I'm glad we don't work together. I would not be able to concentrate on my work with you nearby in heels.

click .... click .... click .... The sensual sound of stiletto heels on a hard surface.

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And I was very much trying not to be an every day high heeled goddess. But I guess everyone is noticing.

Laurie when your work mates and the public put you on such a high pedistal, the only way down is to go back to wearing flaties.

And I doubt you want to do that for a few years yet.

So it looks like you are stuck with being a High Heeled Goddess.

I enjoyed your little story, I hope there are many more times like this for you.


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. You jump, balance, and do little tricks. Good for you! Explain to them that wearing heels is an athletic skill that first has to be learnt and then practiced like any other athletic skill. With your own learning experience for background you would meke an excellent coach for those starting out from scratch.

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This picture was taken at work. It's a pair that gets a lot of attention.

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I am sitting on a trolley.

And yes Arno, very true, and I do offer to coach people. I tell anyone with an interest that I could teach them, and just repeat it when they deny that they could ever wear heels. Of course, girls only with regard to those discussions, although I would certainly help give pointers to a guy as well if one asked.

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Laurie I am devastated. I never even considered what you wanted to do, I was so sure you would want to become an Aussie. I guess I got that from our atheletes who say that Canadians and Aussies are the most alike in their interests. Oh whoa is me! Still if you wont win for Oz then I hope you win for Canada. Our relationship with Canada sort of means that we get second place any way and thats not such a bad thing. :D Go get em girl. :-? Jeff

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