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Ice skating and heels?


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I took a trip to Chicago (I live very close) this weekend to visit a friend. We went ice skating, and despite it being my first time, I did very well. I didn't fall over. We went again the next day and I really started to get the hang of it. I've always had pretty good balance, and I sort of thought back to when I wear heels. Well, on the first day there I met one of her friends, this small, physically fit guy. He could skate really well, like a figure skater. Anyway, when we were all leaving, he's changing back into his regular shoes; leather women's boots with at least a 3 inch blade heel. I couldn't see how high the boot was, cause he already had his jeans over them. That's the first time I've actually seen a guy wearing heels. They looked really nice on him, I think because of his size, and they were really classy looking too. So I guess the question is: do any of you also ice skate? And, have you drawn any correlation between ice skating and heel wearing? Jen

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So I guess the question is: do any of you also ice skate? And, have you drawn any correlation between ice skating and heel wearing?

I play hockey in a recreational league - does that count? :rofl:

They say you need strong ankles to skate - I guess strong ankles are an asset for heels also...


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I used to inline skate for a couple hours every day. My ankles got flexible due to the type of skating.. grinds, hand rails, etc.. I'd say skating would help with the lateral stability issues that come from wearing heels. Same could be said for skateboarders, but I never see them wearing heels :D Seeya Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Well, I don't profess to be any sort of expert, but I think the correlation between ice skating and wearing heels might have something to do with having the proper balance and coordination needed to be perched on either a skate blade or a high heel. If you can master one, you can master the other.

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I think if you are used to thin heels your ankles will be stronger and accustomed to balancing on them. I wear mostly blocks, cowboy boots and thicker heels but I do wear thin heels sometimes and need to have the necessary skills to wear them. So I found when I tried ice skating found could do it first time quite easily. It was just a question of pushing slightly sideways move forward instead of straight back. I also have done roller skating which is a similar motion, so maybe that helped too. Jennifer: I'm glad you saw it at first hand. If I'd have been you, I would have been asking him about them, where he got them etc. If you are wearing heels yourself at the time, these questions are easier as it is obvious it is genuine interest rather than some other motive.

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Yeah, the only heels I've tried are the super thin ones, like a standard pump has. Also, I'm not the most outward, social person so I didn't feel the need to say anything. I'm working on it, though! Jen

If all the world's a stage, I want to operate the trap door.

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never really associated High heels with ice skating, I have only came off heels once (Yes laurie they were my (former) avatars and it was the day I bought them, I fell assleep on my bed and forgot I had them on! and nearly broke my ankle(I'm not planning repeating that mistake again!) when I did rollerskating I "came to grief" many times, and thinking that ice skating was similar (what was I thinking LOL) I "came to grief" a lot more than when I went roller skating! at least the ice is easier on ones tailbone! later, TXT-1

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Jennifer Nova:-) I used to do some recreational ice skating years ago. But now that my balance won't allow me to walk in stilettos anymore, I guess that I wouldn't be able to balance on ice skating blades either. I have now shifted from skating blades to wearing blade heels. So I guess that I'm still into "blades". Cheers--- Dawn HH

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Absolutely I ice skate! And snow ski, snowboard, boardsail, bike ride, scuba dive. But I began roller-skating, decades before I wore heels, and reached an appropriate level of proficiency in all of these about 20 years ago. So, no, I can't say that wearing heels has helped me in any of these sports...

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