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Dinner with Sis


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Unfortunately,my high-heel lovin' friends here,that's society out there that can be cold and brutal to ANY guy that steps out in public in women's heels that believe that we're all nothing but cross-dressing freaks that should be locked up. Think about this:A woman can dress into men's clothes and create a new fashion statement with that look,but if a man decides to step out in sexy women's heels,he gets an ugly label placed on his back by who? SOCIETY! Maybe because society can't accept men in heels,but I say"Live and let live" :D:) By the way:AWESOME stiletto pumps,Scotty!!

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Sscotty727:-) You made a wise choice in deciding to wear the skinny heeled pumps when you go out to dinner with your relative. It might be your only chance, so go for broke and enjoy being outside in heels. There just might be the possibility that you may not be able to convince your wife to let you wear your heels out to dinner with her, and you don't want to miss out on the other dinner outing. But if there is that chance to convince your wife, this may open other opportunities to be out in heels with your wife on other occassions. Keep us all posted either way as this sounds like it could be interesting. Jan.August:-) Welcome to the HH Place Forum. I see that you joined on October 14th of 2003. That happens to be my birthday and is coming up next week. I will be 70 and starting a new decade in my life. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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All, The dinner is still yet to happen, but it definitely will. I am on a temporary work assignment which actually puts me closer to where she lives and also in a hotel room, so I have alot more flexability of when/where. Right now though I am on a very tight budget (don't ask) but I should be able to do it after my next paycheck which is the 15th. It is probably looking like the week of 18-22nd, but will keep you posted of when. Now my next question: I have two pairs of pumps I could wear. One is a 4" pump and has a non-shiney look (wearing them they feel lower though). The other pair is a 4.5" and feel alot better but they are a very shiny material. I'd like to wear the 4.5" but what do you all think of the fact they are very shiny, think they would be more obvious? I am hoping to do dinner when it is later at night so it is darker that might help. Anyway, I will definitely keep you all posted as to the outcome. Scotty PS: On a side note, I was going to wear them to dinner out with my wife this weekend, but since I know she wasn't really into me wearing pumps out, I opted with my other block heeled shoes. I still plan on wearing my pumps out with her, but since it was our anniversary dinner, I felt it should be more focused on being romantic and an evening of "us" instead of me getting a "thrill".

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Hi, I just joined the forum this morning and am new to this site, but my opinion would be to go with want you want. You will enjoy the evening better this way and so what if they are shiny...Jim

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Sscotty727:-) I know that you want to wear the 4½" heels, but aren't quite sure how the shineyness might go over. You might end up wearing the 4" ones instead. Altimately, you are the one to make the final decision on this. If you want to feel safer that evening, then wear the 4" heels. If you feel a bit more adventureous that evening, then go for the 4½" heels and don't worry about the shine. Either way, we are all on pins and needles till you can come back to us with a detailed report of the evening. JimnJ3:-) I see that you have just joined our little Forum and are from the other end of the State from me. Welcome to the HH Place Forum. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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I just did what could be called a "Test Run". Since I am in a hotel and since this is my last night and starting next week I will be in a different hotel, I decided to take a test run. I am on the 4th foor all the way at the back of the hotel. The soda machine is on the 1st floor on the other end. Wearing my shiny 4 1/2" pumps and long jeans, I walked all the way down the hall (carpeted), down stairs to the 1st floor, back halfway down the hall to the soda machine, got a soda and back up. I didn't pass anyone, but I could have. Anyway, felt great and I wasn't worried if anyone did see me. Maybe next week I will get more adventurous in my new hotel;) Scotty

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Sscotty727:-) Congratulations on your hotel hall and stairs test. When you are in a strange area, you can throw caution to the winds as no-one knows you. GREAT JOB!!! And now--- for the new hotel. BTW---shouldn't that be know as a "TEST WALK", instead of a test run??? HEE! HEE! HEE! You weren't doing any running in your heels, were you? Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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No, you got me there, it was a walk. Actually walked slower than normal. Interestingly, I had thought of taking the elevator but decided to take the steps because I thought I might run into someone by using the steps (they lead to the parking lot outside). The elevator at the ground floor opens to a marble floor, so if I HAD taken the elevator I would have had to cross the marble floor. Someone might have looked. Anyway, it isn't exactly a "strange" place, I have stayed at this hotel for 6 months before I moved to my other project. When I checked back in the other night the one woman commented "it's been a long time since you have been here" (I was gone for 6 months! Didn't think they would even remember me). Anyway, I wanted to see if I had the nerve to walk all the way out and back and I did:) It will be easier now to convince myself to wear them when I go out with my sister-in-law. Scotty

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I haven't worn the chunky pumps alot, a few times this summer while getting gas. I like the spike pumps alot better anyway.

I showed the same pics to my sister-in-law and she said wear the pumps;) So I am going with them. Will let you all know how it goes.


That's what I would have chosen - the others aren't nearly as appealing as footwear in general. I'm still a bootman, but your pumps and a pair of black socks/stockings under a pair of long jeans would look pretty much the same as my avatars.

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Hi All, Well the dinner is back on hold again. My brother called me this morning to let me know my aunt isn't expected to make it much longer. She had either a heart attack or stroke while having an emergency operation on her stomach. She was very close to us, sole survivor on my mom's side and when my mom passed away acted like a mother to me in certain regards. Anyway, needless to say, I have to put my plans on hold until after. She is still alive now but on life support and they think she is brain dead. They expect she will pass sometime within the next week. I will let you know when I can. Take care, Scotty

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Dawn, Thanks very much for the thought. I hope Mikey is continuing to improve. Well, I got the news tonight that she passed away. As hard as it is, she was 82 and living in a nursing home. Her health has been going down hill so I can only think she is now in a far better place. She will be missed, but maybe she is up there telling my Mom about her fantastic grand daughters. Scotty

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Sscotty727:-) As you said, it was just a matter of time. Our thoughts and prayers will still be with you. Mickey continues to haVe her good days and her bad days. Yesterday was a bad day and today a good one. The pattern seems to be alternating that way. Then tomorrow will be a bad day again if the pattern holds. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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