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New to the board - Looking for supportive friends.


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Hello my name is Arron. I'm a 23 year old black male that lives in Kansas City, MO (United States). I've been wearing heels since I was abotu 14 years old. I now wear mostly just stilettos. Though I do have a few pairs of chunky heels. I have 8 pairs ranging from pumps, to mules to plats etc... . I've worn them outside in the early moarning a few times when there was no one out. I'm to affraid to wear them during the day. Though I would really like to. I'm just scared. My neighborhood is really closed minded and dangerous. I saw a gay couple get jumped one day becasue they wear holding hands. (Thats the conservitive bible belt for you though.) I don't consider myself to be gay or anything. I don't see how a piar of shoes has anything to do with sexual orientation. There is only one thing that determines if your gay, rather or not you are sexualy attracted to members of the same sex. And I'm not. I wear high heels because I like the way they look, and I like the way they make me feel when I wear them. I have more confidence and feel more attractive, sexeir. Well anyway I guess I came here because I'm looking for friends. Men who do the same and can relate to me. It kind of sux because I have no one to talk to about this other then my therapist that I see for derpession. She is supportive of me and thinks that it is great I'm starting to accept this part of myself. My dad is also aware. I had to tell him because I started ordering shoes of the net and he would be seeing the packages. (I still live at home.) He dosen't likie it, but he accepts it. He hasn't seen any of my shoes yet. My friends don't know I'm to affraid to tell them. I just think that it would be nice to be able to talk to people who won't think I'm weird or gay. I think it would be cool to swap sotries and expreinces with other people. And I would be really nice to have the support. To have the encuragement to wear heels outside of the house. Maybe even eventuly find that rare girl who thinks is cool that a guy wear stilettos. Well thats my story. Anyone here care to talk?

It's all good. ~Arron.

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Hi Arron, I am a 41yr old male in the Washington DC area and also live in a smaller "countryish" community. In the beginning I too was more apphrensive of wearing "heels" in public but has been wearing chunky heels now for almost a year in public. This weekend I went shopping in my 4" boots and no one even said a word. I have also recently been getting gas in my 4" pumps, but haven't worn them other places in public yet. I am lucky that I have a supportive wife, but she still is more nervous with me wearing heels than I am. Welcome to the board and feel free to PM me if you want to discuss things more. Scotty

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I've enjoyed wearing stilletos since I was 16 and could get my own heels, 3" at payless :D Now I have 5" knee boots, 6" pumps, and 4 pairs of ballet boots from ankle high to thigh high. My dad never knew about my heels, my mom did and probably felt the same way, didnt like it, but she never saw me in them. Now I have my own place, and a boyfriend who is not into heels, but lets me wear them as a fetish item. So I'm now in a situation where I'm trying to slowly get him used to me having 'normal' heels to wear around the house and *gasp* in public. :D Maybe if I find the right pair of wedge sneakers that do not look like heels under jeans he will calm down.. hehe Oh well, great to have you in the group! Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Hi Arron. I'm in the Wash. D.C. Suburbs. Welcome to the board. Read the posts and be glad you found this place.

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, I'm from the Earth.Now wearing HH Penny Loafers full time.

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hi arron welcome to the group if u got any questions u are in the right place to get them answered. later nhoj62

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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Hey Arron how are you doing This is Ramon and I'm 23 also soon to be 24 I live in Jacksonville, FL. And I completely understand what you are going through. I have been a heel fanatic since I was about 12. I have had a couple tendencies to wear my 7 inch platform heels out in public. In the process I was afraid but yet it gave me a real rush. I understand how ya feel as far as having to be very careful about the things that you do within your neighborhood. Believe me I also know how difficult it is to be black and to have a fetish because at times our own race can be more critical. But hey listen was wondering if you wouldn't mind keeping in touch some time so we could just talk about heels and anything else because I myself am just looking for friends that I could possibly relate to. If you want to get in touch with me some time I have a yahoo screen name called hi_heel_lover23 plus I have a pretty cool group site called for the love of platform shoes so just hit me up some time I would really like to get in touch with a cool cat like yourself. Hit me up I'll check ya later.

What ya see is what ya get no more or less!!

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Wecome aboard........I also wear stiletto boots out and about.They can be a good look when teamed with the right mind set and a classy pair of pants.. :D

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Asdf174:-) Congratulations on becoming a member of the High Heel Forum and welcome aboard. All of the members from around the world on here are all very friendly and will help you with any problems or questions that you may have. All you have to do is just start posting and you will shortly make friends all over the world. I'm not as young as some of the people that have posted above, but If you want any information from a 69 year old man, just say so or you can PM me. We all have had the same problems through the years, have been there, done that, and have the t-shirts to show for it. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Welcome Arron, I too am new to the board and am being made to feel welcomed. Remember when men with pierced ears were "pirates?" I know some "good old boys" around here with pierce ears. I think it is only a matter of time before other "womens fashions" become acceptable mainstream wear for men. The board is helping me feel much less alone in the world in my taste for fashion, as I hope it does for you. dressboots

classic style high heel boots

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Hi, Arron - Looking for supportive friends? Looks like you've found them! Although my wife is cool with it, my parents don't approve, but like your Dad, they tolerate it. Sorry to hear about your rough neighborhood - do be careful, as you're right about some people not tolerating certain things. Where I live it's no problem, as there's a wide diversity of everything. But less tolerant areas such as yours can indeed be dangerous. By the way, I think it's called the Bible Belt not because people lived by the Bible more than other areas, but because they used (misused) the Bible in their narrow-mindedness, often, if not more than, the pharisees did themselves. But that's the topic of another post... Welcome aboard!

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