Rockpup Posted September 6, 2004 Posted September 6, 2004 Silver: The fact that you have gay friends says to me you are not a homophobe. Any discomfort probably comes from a lack of complete understanding on why they are gay.. well.. can't help you on that, not even sure why I am, I just accept it.. took 22 years to do so. Why that long? Well, for one I'm often into things not usually associated with gay culture.. Hand built my Jeep for offroading, have racing in my blood, can't decorate worth a sh*t, not very fashion concious, and 99% of people assume I am straight from my manorism's.. But, as with my first statement, the fact they are your friends outweighs most everything else. Variety is the spice of life, get out there and have fun Jim (formerly known as "JimC")
silver Posted September 13, 2004 Posted September 13, 2004 Thanks JimC, that does put it into perspective.
jayteasee Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 Hmm. I read through the whole thread, so I guess I'm just seconding or 5436thing whatever people have said, but who cares... On the father that killed the son over homophobic issues... very unfortunate that someone is ready to ruin his own life because he can't stand someone else's. That's just wrong. He got what he deserved. Death or Life in prison? I don't know. Financy aside, they are just as useful forms of justice, as the killed person stays dead. You can't really decide which is more sufficient. Then to the original subject. I believe Anita did Sean a favour. I feel that Sean really needed to explore this thing, and it was really cool - heh, sorry, my vocab doesn't allow for better term - that you, Anita, were there to walk him through it. I can't imagine you being there in any other way than to sustain whatever he'd throw at you. The only way to help: be there, and listen. Good going, we need people like you. >thumbs up<
Rockpup Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 It was a great lesson for young Sean, to learn that those who really do care about you will be by your side through most anything. Even if you are not 100% sure of who you are, those who care for you realise that the little details, like clothing, are not what makes up a persons charachter. Sean will probably help someone out later on, maybe without even knowing it. And I think 'cool' is a great word in this case Jim (formerly known as "JimC")
Dawn HH Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 Let me put my stamp of approval on what you fellows have said in the last few posts. I quite agree and I think that AnitaC. is one terrific gal. Things seem to have turned out for the best for everyone involved. A big Hip, Hip, Hurrah all around. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Anita C. Posted October 28, 2004 Author Posted October 28, 2004 It's fall now & school has began. I know a number of you are wondering just what's been happening with Seannie... Seannie went through a peroid of self-examination and consulted with the therapist regarding just where Seannie was, where he is & where this all is going. Currently Seannie is of the opinion that he is transgendered and the therapist agrees. Seannie wants to proceed slowly and is still dressing on the weekends. Seannie is studying as much as possible on the CD/TG/TV issue and is trying to assess where he believes he really is regarding this. His parents are finalizing their divorce and this considered, are doing their level best in this very complex situation. When we all met in September, we sat down and were of the opinion that Seannie would be better off here than back home. He is comfortable & stable here and a move could be unsettling. This is not what Seannie needs right now. We also met with Seannies' high school counselers and told all. They were very considerate and were ok with the decission. Their only concerns being about the actions of the other kids. Seannie agreed that transitioning at school would not be the best for all concerned. They were put at ease when we said Seannie would continue to attend school as a boy. Last Saturday Samantha asked Seannie if there was surgery in the future. Seannie rolled her eyes and said "I've thought about it and right now I don't really know what I want to do next week, let alone the rest of my life! I really think I'll put that off my decission untill after graduation.". Samantha smiled & looked at me "Smart kid!". I couldn't agree more. Seannie is not on hormones, plays his keyboard, still runs around with the guys and has friends in both worlds knowing that right now this the best it can be. I asked the obvious question recently "What if it gets out that you wear girls clothes on the weekend?". "I'll deal with it as best as I can when & if that happens. Untill that time I'm going to be very careful.". We took a trip to Miami recently and he visited with a surgeon who has performed many SRS operations. They talked for hours and the good Doctor was impressed with Seannies' whole outlook regarding his situation. The Doctor told Seannie "you had better be damn sure about this 'cuz once I whack 'em off, I can't sew 'em back on!". They email each other & are keeping in touch. Seannie deals with each day as it comes. As do his parents and I. "Yesterday's past & tomorrow isn't here yet. We have to make the best of the now.". Namaste', Anita C. "Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . . Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.
Dawn HH Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 Anita C.:-) Thanks very much on the up-date on Seannie as I have been thinking about him/her from time to time and felt that you would reply to us all when and if you felt it neccessary. It appears that Seannie has been, and is, in good hands at this point and seems to be handling his/her situation as well as someone far older than he/her. Please keep us all posted from time to time on his/her progress. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Anita C. Posted November 13, 2004 Author Posted November 13, 2004 The jury's in. After pondering this for quite sometime, Seannie is going to start living as a woman on a full time basis. After a long discussion where we, her parents, counselors (School & private), Samantha, myself & 4 close friends all sat down with Seannie & agreed upon some rules, we are moving foreward. One of the rules is that we refer to Seannie as "HER" & "SHE" from now on. Her parents are as supportive as they can be. They're real glad she's doing it here rather thanback where they are! Her counselor believes that it's time & Samantha & I are supportive. His school is not crazy about it but after a meeting with myself, them & the ACLU they will allow it. Everybody at the school pretty much knows at her school, she's proceeding with caution. So HERE WE GO! I'll keep you all posted. Namaste', Anita C. "Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . . Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.
Rockpup Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 Let her know congradulations, and best of luck in all that's to come. Jim (formerly known as "JimC")
Dawn HH Posted November 14, 2004 Posted November 14, 2004 Anita C.:-) This post is for yourself, Anita, Samantha, and particularly Seannie. I will be honored from here on in to refer to Seannie as "SHE" and "HER". As you know, I have aways had a soft spot in my heart for Seannie and her welfare. Please tell her that I wish her all of the luck in the world and congratulations for her decision and it appears that the correct choice has been made, thanks to her counselors and all that have come to her aid. It appears that her future is as bright as it could be. Please keep us posted on her progress in the future as I, for one, am on her side 100%. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
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