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Who wears the heels in your area?


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Tell us where you are in the world and what type of heels or shoes people wear. Do you wear the highest heels in your street and is it generally a good place for seeing other different shoe fashions? _________________ Believe in your right to wear what you want <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-08 02:49 ]</font>

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I'm from Belgium and am happy still a lot of heels are worn in public, compared to what I've seen in neighboring countries such as Holland and Germany. Still havn't seen many men in heels around but boys in platforms is a very common sight at the turn of the century. I definitely can say I wear the highest heels in my street, I even doubt any other neighbor has any shoes with more than 3-inch instep. The mothers feel too old and the daughters prefer platforms with moderate insteps. Maybe some of the boys or men wear higher in the confines of their house but I wouldn't bet a Eurocent on that.

Be youself, enjoy any footwear you like and don't care about what others think about it, it's your life, not theirs. Greetings from Laurence

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Here in the south midlands of the UK there are many people wearing high heels and some very interesting styles. Most of the heels are worn at the nightclubs. I know that there are 4 men in Kettering that wear heels, but 3 of them are closet cases and the other I have seen is a full blown TV and, I suspect, is going for the op. For everyday wear, I certainly don't wear the highest heels in my street, but I do own the highest heels in my street, unless someone is hiding a pair of ballet boots :smile:

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Yes England is good for seeing high heels. Most teenage girls wear them, often 1 inch platforms with 3 or 4 inch chunky heels in boot or loafer styles for school. Among young women trousers and ankle bots are popular with 2-4 inch heels very common and maybe 1 in 10 or 20 will be wearing 4-5 inch. There's not that many women wearing dresses and stiletto pumps to be honest. Very few in fact. For the boot styles we're generally talking in terms of blocks, blades, and columns at the moment. I typically wear about the same type of boots as teens and young women so I'm pretty much in keeping with the trends there. It also makes findint the kind of boots I like much easier :smile: _________________ Believe in your right to wear what you want <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-01-12 16:02 ]</font>

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Me :smile: Seriously though, I've seen quite a number of Chinese girls in Hong Kong wearing heels recently - proper stiletto ones too (mainly 3-4"). Seen some in nice ankle boots with slim heels. Good news, hopefully more will follow suit and dump their flatties. Debbie

This is a platform free shoe zone!

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In Melbourne Australia if you are in an average shopping mall, unfortunately not many people wear heels. However, in the high fashion retail areas (eg South Yarra) most (75%) ladies wear heels , 3 inch and upward. In the main a chunky heel style, ie block, is most common. Only a few me included consistantly wear 5 inch. Inga


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It is winter. Our city by the mountains is back in the cold. They say it will be more spring like for the weekend, and then back to winter next week. The trends? Boots! Boots to the knee! And some good heels, many three inch heels, a lot of blades, not many chunky. For shoes? Blah, I am the grand mistress, the rest all wish they would strut around in shoes with four inch heels. I do see other women in high heels from time to time, but some that I see around the office building may try for three inches one day, and wear something almost flat the next. Consistency is lacking. Laurie

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Here in Singapore are mainly Chinese like in Hong Kong.These days, the number of girls wearing heels are kind of lacking behind here.However, I can say about 30% wear 3' above to work and school. From my college,which is a fashion college, there are about 60 to 70 % girls wearing heels that are 3' and above but those who wear 4 1/2' are only handful. :smile:

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Part of the 18-25 set right now in college. As it's winter-- but a California winter-- heels in both boots and sandals are still seen. Among daily wear, lots of ankle-high boots, 1~3" heels are most common. Not too many knee-high boots. Block heels, some a little more narrow. Not too many blade or stiletto heels or pointed toes. A few girls still wear sandals, often with blade heels; more often they're wedge platforms up to 4" high. Yummy! (I believe Steve Madden had some very nice 4" ones for sale over the last year or more. I love seeing them) Parties, bars, etc. anything goes. Highest heel is usually 3.5" or so, rarely above 4" unless there's a good-sized platform. Knee high boots are much more common, as are stilleto sandals.

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I think from what people have said, the London area is a very good place to see heeled styles. I certainly noticed the difference on a recent trip to Belgium and NL. It's not to say the women didn't wear heels there, but the variety and frequency of 4" plus sightings is far greater in London.

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Let me tell you that the place for heels is St Petersburg (Russia). I was amazed about the heels thing over there. Let's say, during a 2 weeks trip in october 2001, I must have seen at least 1 thousand stiletto heels (no plats). Definitely much more impressive than London. The average height was 4.5 / 5" as far as I recall and the heels are mostly boots, not a lot of stiletto courts but anyways.... That made me happy ! I used to travel a lot over the world, but I'eve never been as impressed ! Hmm. Now, it's -30 celsius, so they may be not wearing them a lot at this season.

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Well, Moscow is a bit like comparing Paris and Marseille if you see what I mean, there's a kind of competition between the 2 cities as St Petersburg used to be a russian tsars' capital. I've never been to Moscow, but I believe the heels scene should be at least identical to St Petersburg.... They love heels over there, trust me mate ! I will ask me girlfriend, huh, yes.... She's Russian and will be visiting me in London soon ! I told her to bring her stiletto heels BTW :smile:

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I don't know how the Russians would react in front of a man in heels but I wish you a pleasant time over there ! B) PS : the real russian Vodka worths being tried, but watch out ! A combination of heels and vodka can give some hazardous results :smile:

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Maybe we should colour a world map in. We wouldn't call it physical, political etc, but "heelical" The best countries would be shaded in red through orange to yellow, green , and the blues for countriess where they wear very few high heels like Iran or Tibet. Places like Australia would vary in colour from the reds of the East coast into the blues of the bush!

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Interesting idea. Your geography may be a bit lacking. Yeah whilst Aus ladies who reside in the bush may be a bit more conservative, still think there are plenty out there who wear there heels, not for work, but for special occ's . Its not like Iran etc. You just have too look at the Aus private schools that take borders on, where are these people from 'the bush' and where's the school, Toorak or Vaucluse upmarket & trendy areas of Melbourne and Sydney. Anyhow after all this tripe good to see you've given the eastcoast a red dot, that where I'm from. Inga


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NE- I agree! I'm in New England myself, and i've never seen a guy wearing heels up here (besides me of course). Men here wear mostly sneakers and your typical .25 - .5 inch heeled loafers and laceups. Some brown, some black. White collar men usually the latter. The more fashionable guys wear 1 inch boots and more trendy buckle/laceup shoes. Ya I usually see block heeled boots in the winter, some oxfords, some loafers. Younger girls seem to wear exclusively Payless stuff. 50+ women usually have pumps and only pumps. 30+ stray away from boots mostly, more on the loafers.

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I live in Northern California, which is pretty earthy. It's pretty far from the glamorous "Hollywood" image that pertains to Southern California. In recent years, however, I have noticed increasing numbers of women wearing thick 3"-4" heels or boots, especially in the winter. In years past, when thinner heels were more in fashion, the numbers were a lot lower, so I'm guessing that lots of women feel more comfortable in the thicker-heel shoes. I saw much the same thing during a recent trip to Peru in South America, with one intriguing exception. In supermarkets, of all places, the women there wear uniforms that consist of surprisingly short skirts and pumps at least 3" high. It made shopping for a bottle of wine a different experience than it is in the U.S.

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Hallo !! In Poland you can see lot of young girls wearing heels between 3-4 inch mostly blade or block heel ypunger girls wear platforms sometimes realy big 10 cm and elegant women - with their stilleto boots - loks GREAT !!!!!

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  • 1 year later...

In downtown Denver I notice that about 1/3 of the gals wear heels in my office building. While some are chunky-most are thin & stiletto heels.

"Spike Heels . . a Pork-pie hat . .

Have on the mend in no time flat . . Ten Minutes 'Till The Savages Come by Manhatten Transfer.

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i live in a small farming community in the midwest. very rarely see anybody on high heels :(:( . once in a while in church but not very often. tennis shoes and blue jeans. i must be getting old - i still remember when everybody dressed for church - men in suits and ladies in dresses. you are old if you remember the teachers - men in sport coats or suits with ties, the women teachers always wore skirt/dress and high heels. must be the new generation. however, i still enjoy seeing stiletto high heels on the ladies. my s/o wears them when ever we go out for dinner and dancing and some times at home for me :(

patent leather and classic high heel pumps area.

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I live near Buenos Aires in Argentina. I feel the most popular heel hight is 3in. In the last couple of years you could see some more 10 to 11cm. It's very rare to find a 5in heel in the stores. Most of them are stilettos or blade heels. You also can see many kitten heels on mules on summer and late spring with 5cm (2in) hights. The highest heels down here are seen in boots. As for my wife, she wears mostly 8cm (3 1/3in) heels most of the time. Platforms are practically out of fashion. Sometimes you see some wedges but they are very rare.

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