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Heels Good For Your Health?


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My evidence is merely anecdotal, and therefore has no real scientific value, but I cannot deny the evidence in my own life. I started heeling publicly about 6 months ago. OK, I started wearing heels at all about six months ago. I'd flirted with the idea since I was a teenager, but I couldn't come to grips with my desire to wear heels until this year. Now that I have, I've found that my health and fitness have improved markedly. I'm not that much lighter, but I am thinner. I'm more fit than I used to be. I find myself doing weird things like taking a parking spot much further away from the store just to be able to walk that extra little bit further in heels. Am I the only one? Does anyone else like walking in heels so much that they actually go out of their way to be able to walk further than necessary?

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I don't necessarily go out of my way to walk further in heels, because usually the distance to my objective is helpful towards the cause you are highlighting. Let's not give the wrong impression that walking in heels is a breeze. More effort has to be applied with each step, just because the feet and ankle movements are somewhat compromised and heelers are moving shorter distances per step depending on the heel height. Therefore, more steps are taken to reach a destination. If that doesn't mean more of a workout than regular walking, somebody is not aware of the whole picture of wearing heels. The best part of walking in heels is that you look good in making the extra effort providing all the necessary preparations to being a graceful heeler have been met.

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I walk a lot further in flats than I do in heels, to the point that I'll change out of my heels if I'm walking a long distance (so I don't wreck my feet or my heels). However I probably do go out of my way to go for short walks in my heels just for the sheer enjoyment of it.

If you like it, wear it.

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