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Complimenting strangers on thier shoes

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What is the best way to compliment a stranger (woman or man) on their shoes without it seeming like a come-on? I work in a large office building complex and often notice shoes on the elevator, in the local cafes, etc. I never know exactly what to say when I see a really nice pair of high heels. Any suggestions on what to say in a way that neither of us are uncomfortable?

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A simple, “Nice heels” or "Nice shoes" and then turning your head like you don’t expect the conversation to continue seems fairly innocuous. My situation is a little different then the office setting you described. I complement women wearing nice boots whenever I can, but when I do it I’m wearing thigh boots with 4” stilettos so my perspective on the complement is obvious to the ladies. I usually ask where they found their great looking boots. I have never received anything but a big smile, a thank you, and a good shopping lead.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Depends on how confident you are but I make it quite clear to everyone I work with how much I appreciate nice high heeled shoes and shopping for them. They do not know I wear them myself ( although I would imagine some of the more estate ones probably guess I do) but because I often talk about my love of them they don't mind me complimenting them and as it's well known I can even approach the ones I don't know well. Of course I have a wife who wears Them so a little easier for me but most women react better if you are open with them. I do make suggestions they look great/ sexy in them but make it clear it's a compliment and not a chat up. Once they realise you are not "coming on to them" it's amazing what you can getaway with and chat about. Of course if you are single and do fancy the lady I can guarantee most women will appreciate a man who actually likes shoes and shopping for them, in my experience ladies like a man who is confident and not afraid to show a softer side in public.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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Nice shoes does well with occasional additions like "good height and you handle them well". As Kneehighs says re the come on, the above doesn't but what follows is the key. I got one throw back challenge "would I like them" with a reply "do you think men should" she returned "why not". I followed with "actually I have the same in black and I know they are hard cos I keep walking out of them!" We had a few minutes of conversation, discussed our partners likes and dislikes, agreed if we had met several years ago this could have been interesting but we both have good lives and no way were we going to muck it up, did not swap contacts but mentioned HHPlace and bid each other well. Don't be shy but be confident, her (or his) reply will lead either way. Al

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Personally I have no issues with pointing out I like someone’s heels. From my experience, women like to hear compliments on the things they wear. I often notice the heights of people and sometimes I start out the compliment with address the fact I have noticed that they are taller or shorter than the last time I saw them. Also shows you pay attention to them. As long as you are not creepy, most women do not mind.
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I just simply say, "those are very nice shoes," smile and walk on whether it be to someone I know or a stranger in my office area. I too have complemented women on their high heels when I was wearing high heels in public and I usually get a "thank you" then a quiet stare at my high heels. Occasionally I get a "... and I like your shoes, too."
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