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Nice Forum! Interesting to find out a place where open minded non discriminatory thinking prevails. I have been wearing nylon/lycra hosiery for well over 20 years every day, in addition to having been found of it since I was 10 ... It gradually evolves from hosiery to shoes normally styled for women as these are generally better made and less prone to running nylon/lycra hosiery. I have always liked to see a nice feet and sexy leg perched on a high heel... or sexy sandal. From that fondness grew an interest in putting them on and road test them. I am pretty lucky that I can wear a size 8 or 9 lady so I have a pretty wide spectrum of possibility in almost any store. My wife is aware of my liking/interest and has even bought me a nice slide in silver shoe for my birthday a few years back. She is pretty well non discriminatory and open minded bit on the other hand she is pretty concerned with what other people think. So I had to accomodate 80 % of her worries. Almost all the time I wear footwear normally destined for ladies: high, low, sandal, slide in, closed, loafer, pump, etc with of course nylon/lycra hosiery knee hi or pantyhose depending on the occasion and season. In order to accomodate her worries I have all the higher heels (8 CM and +) lowered by one or one an half cm, and have the heels changed to a bulkier but stylish heel. The prize for this is that I wear them all the time, in house or outside with or without her. I only have to be more formal, ie wear flats or slide ins or when we go to more formal environments. But other than that I go to the bank, the supermarket or store with my open toe 7 cm sandals anytime. I think we have reached a good compromise and whenever there is a conversation on this topic we remind ourselves of the agreed to parameters. In addition when someone would bring up the topic in any gathering in any indirect manner she is the first to say that evrybody can have their own taste. So I think we have reached a nice modus vivendi. We will be travelling shortly and I will be wearing my 7 CM slide ins with champagne knee hi nylon/lycra. I am a supporter of non discrimination, no stereotype, all inclusive mindset. If it is good for ladies to walk around wearing wools socks in a a flat oxford and a trouser, what is the issue of man walking around in nice denier 10 nylon perched on 8 cm sandal Heels with a nice silky trouser? Can't see the problem. Just like the women in the 30's men in the 2010 have to get rid of the stereotype. CLOTHING OR FOOTWEAR in my opinion has no gender attach. If Louis XIV could go around in high heels so I can. Have a great day! and don't forget to walk around the block in heels one a day ! It is good for your heart! CYBERSUN!

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Welcome to High Heel Place. Your interest in high heels will make you feel very welcome at this very friendly website. And the fact that your wife supports you and your interests is even more encouraging. Hope to hear more from you soon.
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Thanks to all for the nice comments. Yes I believe we have a nice agreement my wife and I. Sure there are some days where her theme around "what people will think", for which she is pretty concerned, pop up but I always manage the situation in such a manner that we come back to basics: I have no complex, no identity problems, her health card is up to date, and I like wearing shoes that look different with my lycra/nylon hosiery. I believe in compromise, hence some consideration on my part in regards with this subject makes life easier and smoother for everybody concerned. I have grown beyond the "what will people think" topic, and I think that one can wear whatever he likes provided it is legal, does not do any harm to anybody and that it is suitable for the occasion. I have always said and believe that clothing has no genitals attached to it, hence it can be destined for one gender or another but it cannot be restricted to that gender. What the women did in the 30's is the same thing that men have to do in the 2010's. I repeat if a lady can walk around with her cotton socks and nice masculine looking oxford with her trouser, than I can walk around with my 7 cm Heels, nylons and silky trousers. I believe in EQUALITY. Have all a great night and hope to hear from you.:smile:

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Hey Cybersun, welcome and thanks for a great intro. You seem to have hit the proverbial jackpot .. an understanding wife and now membership of this forum full of like minded people :smile: We look forward to hearing more from you in the future and perhaps you could encourage your wife to join and share her thoughts too.

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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