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I need an advice


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I really like those, I wouldn't have any problems buying them for my GF and she wouldn't have any trouble walking in them, but does your partner regularly wear that height/ style colour, if yes then I would think she'll like them. But your the only 1 that knows your partner well enough. Hope that helps!

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Those are very pretty heels, but they are high as well. I've bought quite a few heels for my wife over the years. Some have been hits and some misses. I've been successful when she happens to like the style and when she feels confident about wearing them in public. This is related to her own sense of style and what she believes looks good on her as well as what she is capable of handling comfortably in heel height. The heels that have been misses remain on the shelf, but she will wear them at home for me occasionally. My interest and knowledge in heels has caused me to go a little too far at times meaning she dosn't wear some of the heels I've bought her as often as I'd hoped. My advice therefore is: - Make sure you are clear on why you are buying them for her. Do you expect her to wear them out and about or only in the house/bedroom ? - Consider going shoe shopping together for her. Its great fun. - If you are going to buy for her, push the boundaries of style and heel height compared with what she already wears and likes gently. - Give her some time to "warm up" to her new shoes. When she does wear them make sure you compliment her and show your appreciation. - If you wear heels yourself, put "yourself in her shoes" by walking around in something of the same height so you understand what you are asking her to accomplish.

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Just checked the link on elite. Those are 6" heels with 0.75" platform, giving a 5.25" lift. Very hard to walk in. Most high street heesl have a lift of around 4" . Even the ones with 6" heels. If your GF is used to such heights great. If not the difference from 4" to 5.25" of lift is the difference between walking and not walking. The sizing is also an issue. Sizes vary between shoes and the overall fit is affected by the width (need a bigger size if the shoe is narrow) as well as the heel height (needa bigger size with a very high heel). Getting the size right is very important in such a high heel as it needs to be snug, not loose at the heel and not too small in the box to avoid squeezing the toes (too badly). Tread carefully....those are expensive shoes....but gorgeous

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tommy9268 High heels can never to high. However, Do what Walkonit said, Purchas two (2) pair, One pair for her and one pair for you. Damn the expense. Wear yours when you give her the shoes and don't forget to give her a dozen red roses. Mike

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Gorgeous and wow a price to match! As all have said re: can she handle that height colour and lift etc. A beautiful gift but buying via the web it is also getting the sizing right and all the disappointment doing the replacements let alone the fuss if they are not. Far better finding a good retailer taking your lady out for the day and doing a visit and getting something that fits correctly, finishing of with a meal and home/hotel would make it perfect. Not knowing where you are in France or knowing good locations for that class or quality of store. it will be down to some serious web search unless some of your fellow countrymen or other knowledgeable Europeans can guide you. Good hunting Al

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Gorgeous and wow a price to match!

As all have said re: can she handle that height colour and lift etc.

A beautiful gift but buying via the web it is also getting the sizing right and all the disappointment doing the replacements let alone the fuss if they are not.

Far better finding a good retailer taking your lady out for the day and doing a visit and getting something that fits correctly, finishing of with a meal and home/hotel would make it perfect.

Not knowing where you are in France or knowing good locations for that class or quality of store. it will be down to some serious web search unless some of your fellow countrymen or other knowledgeable Europeans can guide you.

Good hunting


The only thing I might add to Al's comments and suggestions, does your girlfriend enjoy wearing high heels, and especially a shoe with heels that high? That is a very beautiful and sexy shoe. But if she doesn't like wearing high heels or feels high heels and "slutty" or "trashy," this might backfire on you. Best of luck to you.

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Thank you to everyone. It's very nice to be understood by someone who knows about the heels attraction . And all of your messages are very sharp. I can't imagine she could wear the shoes out, in public. I hope she could wear them just for me at least. My hope (my dream ? my fantasy ?) is to have a "love party" : for me, it's a nice dinner, with candles, nice music, I'd wear the nice suit she likes, and her with a glamourous dress (a little bit short !) and high and sexy heels ... But, the thing is I wonder if she could wear like this for me (yes Walkonit, in the bedroom too). Now, Roniheels, you've pointed the thing : I can feel she'd feel "slutty"... How can I explain to her I would find her beautiful, elegant and sexy. And being sexy or exciting is not a bad thing. If she were too sexy in public, I would care. But if it's only for me, where is the sin ? If it's in our home, "too sexy" doesn't exist for me ! I don't know what to do, it doesn't make me happy...

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