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UK Newspaper Report ~ Heel Sales Quadruple


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Nice to see brands like 'Kurt Geiger' and 'Dune' getting a mention. Two of the more affordable quality High Street names.

However, did anyone take note of the last sentence? The price of a stiletto heeled shoe goes up by 20% - with every extra centimetere in heel height....!!!!!!!!!

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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I read this a few weeks back,all good news as far as i'm concerned! 'Other major style trends noted by the group are shearling boots (50% increase on last year's sales), red shoes and lace-detailed shoes, both doubling their sales sales compared with the same period in 2009. Its highest heels this season are a precarious 140mm, retailing for about £140. Next season, seventies-inspired wedge shoes will have heels up to 160mm' love shearling styles and 160mm heels for next year,happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just love those suede heels!!!!!

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This does not surprise me, over the last 18 months the high street stores have become a very happy hunting ground for me. I fit in standard womens size shoes found in nearly all shoe outlets nowadays. The introduction of the hidden platform has allowed more women who wouldn't normally have worn high heels to try them out with less pain or instability. They then get used to this height and can manage higher heels as a natural progression. The trend to follow celebrity by young girls also fuels the shops to buy them. I remember I was in New Look a few months ago and there were three girls trying on 6'' heels walking around the store, it was a wonderful site. A short time later another 2 young girls were trying on some 6'' suede ankle boots, again a wonderful sight. I just had to buy both of the pairs of heels these wonderful young ladies displayed for me, total cost £35 just amazing. Also I was with Mrs F in Tesco (this is a supermarket for those not in the UK - equivalent to Walmart) and we saw a wonderful pair of 5'' heels so they are becoming very main stream. It all makes the sales so interesting. To think only a few years ago I had to go to specialist stores and pay at least £50+ for any of my heels.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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