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Hello from Brazil

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Hello to everyone, I'm kinda new here but I visit this forum for about 3 months and now I have the pleasure to be a member :wave:. So.. anybody from Brazil here? I almost forgot to say something here, Brazil's still a prejudiced country. If my family discover about my taste about HH they will probably think that I'm gay and often, if te common people discover probably there will be bad conseguences cuz to be honest they are a little stupid and tinny minds here. This place is great cuz we can talk about It without fear. :(

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Hello! (:pulsingheart:) ;-)

Vou responder em inglês mesmo, ok? :-) (I'll reply in english.)

Hello to everyone, I'm kinda new here but I visit this forum for about 3 months and now I have the pleasure to be a member :wave:.

So.. anybody from Brazil here?

Welcome, and yes, I guess there's still some of us here. :(

I almost forgot to say something here, Brazil's still a prejudiced country. If my family discover about my taste about HH they will probably think that I'm gay and often, if te common people discover probably there will be bad conseguences cuz to be honest they are a little stupid and tinny minds here.

Too true, unfortunately. :clap: I have the same problem with my family. I share an apartment with my sister, and I have to be extra careful so that she doesn't find my heels.

This place is great cuz we can talk about It without fear.

Again, welcome and enjoy your stay! :(


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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Hello to everyone, I'm kinda new here but I visit this forum for about 3 months and now I have the pleasure to be a member :(.

So.. anybody from Brazil here?

I almost forgot to say something here, Brazil's still a prejudiced country. If my family discover about my taste about HH they will probably think that I'm gay and often, if te common people discover probably there will be bad conseguences cuz to be honest they are a little stupid and tinny minds here.

This place is great cuz we can talk about It without fear.


Welcome to hhplace, scarpin :(

There are certain areas of the world where the differences between male and females is so widely separated by society that any blending of the gender lines is so stigmatized and strongly viewed as highly deviant and unacceptable. I'm afraid that Brazil is one of those places. Rio thrives on beautiful women and display of female attributes. The more "feminine" the more desirable.....hence, thong bathing suites and skimpy dresses --- along with beautiful skyscraper high heels. It's enough to make a man want to howl at the moon like a "horny wolf."

Which, in most cases, as you probably know from personal experience, isn't good for any male that wants to cross dress or wear high heels in public.

There are some other members from Brazil here that have managed to purchase clothing and heels for themselves and managed to wear them in relatively safe situations. Perhaps one of these members will contact you, or post a comment here, to let you know that you are not the only Brazilian that loves high heels.


Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome Scarpin! Nice to have you join us here. Geez I thought that Brazil would be more open that way, only because I have seen the Masquerade/Carnival clips and there appeared to be many transfolks and heeled people all around. Well I guess not. Look forward to hearing more from you. Mtnsofheels

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