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Hi Everyone,

I am new to the heel thing. I have fantasized for a long time, but have only recently taken the plunge.

Welcome to hhplace, Well-Heeled :( Please don't hesitate to ask any one of us anything at all connected with wearing women's shoes.


Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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I love to wear heels. I have several pair, but I am looking for some new ones. I have reasonably large feet, size 12-13 womens, I am looking for some sandal platforms with at least a 7" heel, and only a 1" or so platform. I haven't been able to find anything like that, most platforms have a 4" or so difference between the heel and the platform height. Also, are 7" pumps available? A 6" pump is really not that tall in a size 13. It is about equivalent to a 4" in a size 8. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Greetings Well-Heeled,

Nice to have you join us here. Your sizing is challenging but not impossible.

Check out http://www.shoesusa.com

They make all sorts of sizes in many styles as well.

I have 3 pairs of boots from them, fortunately I fit a size 10 but they do make shoes and boots in bigger sizes. They are well made and fit very nicely.

They are other makers out there, should be more info coming along.



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