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Hi everyone, A quick intoduction about me. Like many I have read about on this site it all started for me at the early age of 5. My older sister and her best friend used to make me wear their shoes nearly every day in the privacy of her bedroom. This went on for a few years until we moved to a different town. Then it all stopped, as far as my sister was concerned anyway. I was hooked. I used to raid hers and my Mums wardrobe, and whenever I had the chance wore their heels around the house or just in my bedroom. May years later I got cought by my mum wearing her 4" court shoes. Needless to say she wasn't amused and after that I stopped for a while. Now at 42, 2 marriages and 2 kidds later, I finally came out to my friends. They were all really great about it. Of course they made some fun of me, but thats all it was. They now accept and have seen me a few times wearing 4" knee high boots over tight womens jeans. What a relief. I will elaborate more later, but it has been a struggle.

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Welcome to hhplace, bootylover :) Glad to have you join us. We are interested in hearing of your experience wearing heels in public in China and about any reaction you might get from people you encounter. :)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Welcome to High Heel Place. Your stoey is familiar and intriguing to me because it sounds so similar to my past situations. When you are honest with your friends and yourself about your feelings for high heels, you will enjoy them even that much more. Hope to hear more from you soon.
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