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Just joined, am trying to find my way around the site:wavey:.

This is hopefully my opening message

Welcome to HHPlace John, but why not tell us a little about yourself as we already know you have just joined :)

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

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Just joined, am trying to find my way around the site:wavey:.

This is hopefully my opening message

New members are always warmly welcomed to our forum because we all eagerly look forward to reading their postings and contributions. But, I am curious as to why you didn't announce your joining our forum by telling us something about yourself and about your interest in high heels? So, why not take the time and reintroduce yourself, now? -- for instance, do you wear heels yourself or are you just an admirer? What is the high heel scene like there in Belgium? Where is the best place to buy high heels in your community etc. ?

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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