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Attitude epitome - men wearing heels isn't wrong!!!!!!


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Have you ever asked a person that perceives themselves as alwasys being right, if they were ever wrong and they return the answer of once they thought they were wrong, but realized they weren't. Even the very acknowledgement given by the title of this thread accentuates the social misconception and the lack of freedom men and women use to enjoy when it came to personal taste. This doesn't mean there weren't some protocols or distinctions, but the definition of gender has been used to further separate and stereotype people into unrealistic perceptions. Socially biased thoughts using the established standards for gender has strive to get rid of those who stand as contradictions to what is being taught as truth, but weren't. Namely the idea that men and women can't have the same desires, skills, or aptitudes. Many examples readily point out how off course these standards are, such as: A female mechanic? Little Jimmy loves playing with dolls? Womne in research and other science projects? The Mr. Moms? Only men have the skills of good leadership? Females are smarter, but they dumb down around guys? Why are the derogatory terms like sissy, fag, or dike in our vocabulary if people having these characteristics aren't suppose to be in existence? Male cheerleaders? Women's menswear? And of course, men wearing 5" high heels with or without their stereotypical male attire, even in public? Many other contradictions that point out the lack of understanding society had of humanity when these standards were used as mandates for relationships, which has decided to determine what people are, think of, and desire. However, society's refusal to admit the degree of incorrectness its standards offers creates even less credibility to be used as a just ideal to dictate right and wrong. It has given way to misconceptions concerning personalities and actions which has led to misguided views and persecutions to those that are perceived as conflicting with these short sided, gender identity standards. The real pity of this is the complacency men and women have had and are exhibiting helped this attitude to exist. Sure! There are those who don't mind the status quo and it has been society's underlying plot to be in control of what choices people have. With the movement of the women's liberation, women have preserved many of their abilities to choose. Back on their patriarchal perches, men were content to watch women get the freedoms they should have as men's choices were narrowed so much that they were left with just a handful of a and b monochromatic selections and just get the job done attributes. Now, many men don't have the sparkle or even drool over their wardrobe, because they have little to expect. A lot of women, on the other hand, can't wait to try on another variation of a blouse they liked or a pair shoes that just came on display. Men use to wear ruffled shirts. Now to see even a pink tie on a man causes raised eyebrows and gossipy whispers of perversion. If men don't exert themselves and start choosing the things they desire, even their flair to be dashing or stylish will be extinquished or at least dampened. Their was a time when men and women did not want to be seen in public, if they weren't properly and attractively dressed, modestly of course. The selection men have been left with by the social standards doesn't encourage him to go out of his way to appear and feel special. If he is left to increase his selctions by what he personally desires, a sparkle and a twinkle will return to his eyes and his demeanor will change to being confident and incharge of his life, instead of feeling under someone else thumb, being told what he is and what he should like to be an ideal. Having the freedom to choose from our own desires does more to lift a person to do great things than the one who is trained to do a job and does it. Society demands alot from their men, like being the main personel used in times of war and because of wars many, including women, have given the ultimate price. The contributions that both men and women have given their service for their country must continue to be praised and held in an honorable place in their country's hearts. For those who return, they should be able to enjoy every freedom they fought for and the proper care for those who got any kind of disability because of their service, humanity has the granting power to offer. Sadly wars and conflicts begin. Then they are controlled by the strategist, who may have been warriors, but now don't have to fear a bullet with their name on it, unless defeated and then found guilty of something. It's the person on the undefined lines of battle, on the war ships at sea, and on the aircraft with a mission to fly into the enemy's area that have to suffer the inhumanity of being killed or killing for the purpose of defending what they consider their just cause.

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I have commented on this before but back in the 70's during the "disco era" women and men wore brightly colored clothing and high heels. And all kinds of men wore high heels and bellbottoms and all different types of shirts that nowdays might be perceived as feminine. But it seemed as quickly as that period and free-thinking attitude appeared and was enjoyed by all, the next thing you knew it was gone and men wearing high heels also seemed to go out of style. I suppose a historian could document what might have changed feelings and attitudes in this country to suddenly think a man in high heels was not really a "man" and he was posibly even considered gay. I can only hope the pendalum is going to swing toward open-minded free-spirited thinking again.
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your so right there, roniheels, I remember too the 70s:smile: (when I graduated from high school, watergate era)

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"Don't judge a book by its cover", sums up the way I attempt to approach life. With that said, I still make some initial assessment based upon appearances and I think most folks do to some degree; this coming from a guy that likes to wear 4"+ heels and doesn't really care what others think about it. Men wearing heels is not wrong, it is just not the norm. However, all things in due course. We gain acceptance a little bit at a time. Men have the burden of being protectors of society. Any action that throws that responsibility into doubt, casts derision upon the bearer. Maybe back in the 1970's (if we only knew), we should have pushed the platform shoes, bell bottom pants, and 100% polyester shirts to the next level. On second thought, I'll pass on those 100% polyester shirts next time around.

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Hey! The 70's was a decade of unique changes for men that lost their way for many reasons, but the one I have is the look didn't appeal to me. However, you are right Gary, had we supported the fashion for men in this period, we possibly could have the acceptance from society to publicly wear our choice of heels by now, at least the idea of male high heelers wouldn't be so unfamiliar and distant. With all the things/attitudes that are happening and the sporadic displays involving male heelers in videos and those who are publicly heeling now, the subject will be heard in the media. It maybe not always in a positive light, but then again, the subject of male heeling will be up front like in the 70's, which wasn't a bed a roses, either. Whatever the outcome, men have got to remove this pigeon-holed stereotyping of only wanting to wear the monochromatic and drab looks promoted by some socially biased people that don't see the need to change due to their upbringing with a standards that doesn't acknowledge the way people really are. The rest of the people who are complacent and don't express how they really feel about having so few choices have to settle for the left-overs. Like women have been liberated out of their moldings of the past by revamping their subserviency to men, by proving they weren't only objects for conquested property to fulfil man's drive to propagate, by showing they are just as capable and as complete a human being as men thought of themselves, by seeing that they had their right to choose from how they felt and desired individually, and etc., men can tear down the same kind of false picture society has of the male persona as individuals. Continuing to promote the social standards that deny men and women can have the same desires and feelings is the wrong, not the male wanting a pair of heels to accentuate his appearance.

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