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Just joined so thought I’d hello.

Hi everybody.

Just quickly I live in Australia and my profession is a paramedic. I have liked high heels since I was 12 and also enjoy wear some women’s’ clothing (only cause it fits better and only if I like how it looks on me) and before you ask I’m not gay, yes I have cross dressed but don’t like it cause I feel like I’m hiding myself. I hope to have some good discussions here and have a good time and hopefully not be judged for who I am.


Welcome jarod81! no need to be worried about being judged here, we all share your passion for heels, and alot of members also enjoy other womens attire. Also good to see a new member from aus, let's hope your a little more active around here than a number of aussie members we have, we need to start representing guys in heels down under! if you dont mind me asking, what state are you from? im in melbourne's south east suburbs. Cheers, heelguy


Hey heelguy, it's nice to know I won't be judged and there are others here. As for you question I live in Queensland around brisbane.


Welcome from me, too Jarod81 :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


Hi everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a teacher from London who loves high heels and long curvy legs. Hope to spot a few on the forum. :wave:

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