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The Joy of it All...


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Hello Everyone, I'm new here and overjoyed to know I'm not the only man who feels the need to wear heels in public. I wear heels at home every day and up until last week only at home. I made the decision that I would experiment with wearing my beautiful new pumps out in public as I made my travels throughout the day and it just felt so wonderful to feel the freedom to be who I am in public. No one made any remarks but I definitely got attention from some people who were curious, nervous, and didn't know what to think. One high point was walking out of a convenience store with the only sounds being the clacking of my heels on the tile floor as I left the store, all conversations stopped and everyone looked to me, what an oddly joyful experience... I'm so thankful for this place that let's us all feel a little less alone.... Ulyssa

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Ulyssa:-) Congrats on your first public heeling. I m sure that you noted that the sky didn't fall in on you and you had a lot of fun listening to the sound of your heels clicking on the flooring and knowing that it was you making that sound and not someone else. Welcome to the HH Place Forum and keep us posted on any future adventures that you may have in public heeling. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Welcome to hhplace, Ulyssa :pulsingheart: The first time wearing your heels in public is the most difficult. It becomes easier every time and soon, while the thrill of wearing high heel will never go away, the fear of ridicule is almost no longer a concern. :blinkbigeyes:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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