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Geo's annual freestyle outing


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I don't get to go out in heels all that often, certainly not like JeffB and HappyFeat (thanks to finding myself in a very conservative part of the country) but from time to time I just go for it, and today was it. It's been over a year since my last full-on street heeling, and today I had a five-stop checklist of things to do, so off I went.

Some consideration went into my outfit. It's cold here - barely above freezing - so boots would be more suitable than strappy sandals or pumps. I only have one pair of boots now - size 13 Pleaser Domina 2020's in black patent. Not quite the full 6" heels as advertised, more like 5 1/2" but still extremely comfortable due to the curved arch. The rest of my "outfit" was as conservative as the town I was going to - black jeans, black shirt and a black leather biker jacket. The jeans leave some of the boots showing, but no matter as the stiletto heels are loud anyway.

First stop the "smiley face" store. I was able to park fairly close to the entrance of the store, and I went in. No obvious strange looks from anyone, no comments. In all, totally uneventful. Although it is a whole different workout walking around a big store compared to home, a lot harder on the calf and thigh muscles. All done, I paid and left. No drama, no comments. Easy. And that just about sums up the rest of the morning. Nothing more than a couple of sideways glances in a couple of the stores I visited - one has a tile floor and the other polished concrete and the sound of my footsteps was very obviously from heels.

There was a few things I noticed. First, it may only be 1/2", but that makes a huge difference in the ease of walking. My dearly departed Hayway boots had 5" heels and I could wear them anywhere, anytime, without such a workout. The surface you're walking on also makes a huge difference. The linoleum of the first store was slick under my heels, but tile and concrete were easier. Finally, and this is the biggie, I think that if people aren't expecting to see a man wearing heels, and you're dressed appropriately to your surroundings (red pumps would have been more conspicuous than black boots, for example) it's not going to register, and if it does it's no big deal. As others have said, the issue is being yourself and being confident, and don't go skulking around like you have something to hide. :blinkbigeyes:

So there we are, my street heeling for this year.

[sorry, no pics. Image a 6 foot, 250 lb guy with shaved head built like a rugby player dressed all in black, you'll get the picture]

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I may not have the exact picture, but then I think we could have similar profiles in a trick mirror. Hearing about the effect your heels when applied to different surfaces, should probably be apart of the recall of all postings of heeling experiences. Some surfaces are proned to cause heel slippage and the wearer has to be aware of how they can negotiate these types of floors or walkways. Also, the side to side slant of the heel can be a factor while walking on such slick areas. I find that using your toes more for support than the heels is almost a must, until you find a more secure path to traverse. Has anyone had similar happenings?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, dammit. Was getting ready to go out yesterday. Similar attire - dark blue jeans, white shirt, leather jacket and Domina 2020's again. But it was not to be. I had got the car out the garage and was getting out to close the garage door when I stood on a small rock and twisted my ankle. Taking a step in heels means flexing my ankle quite a bit, and that hurt like a %$&@#. Back to basic walking boots for a few days.

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Well, dammit.

Was getting ready to go out yesterday. Similar attire - dark blue jeans, white shirt, leather jacket and Domina 2020's again. But it was not to be. I had got the car out the garage and was getting out to close the garage door when I stood on a small rock and twisted my ankle. Taking a step in heels means flexing my ankle quite a bit, and that hurt like a %$&@#. Back to basic walking boots for a few days.

Ouch !!! Hope you're up and abut soon. Thanks for sharing

Gingers Rogers did everything Fred Astair did .. but backwards and in heels

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