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Hello from Atlanta

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Hi, this is blondie from Atlanta. I am a 40 year old married male with three kids who loves to wear heels. My wife loves her heels too. We usually go out for a couple of hours several times a week with both of us in heels. She has recently started this character playing with me that includes her dressing as a dominatrix and me sometimes in womens clothes.......the heels are a must.

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Hi blondie4011 :chuckle: I believe what the other members that have responded to your first post are trying to say is that this forum is primarily focused upon high heels and the people that wear them and not toward what sexual activities are engaged in while wearing them. I'm sure that all would love to hear of your experiences wearing your heels with your wife while out in public and ideas about high heels that you might exchange with her. However, if you want to discuss particular sexual activities between the two of you, or other aspects of your private lives, I believe you are in the wrong forum. There are other websites constructed specifically for the type of activities you describe that would be far more appropriate for these discussions.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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