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Ok here's one for the lady's!


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lady's is there any advise that you could offer us heel wearing guy's as far as being able to walk in a pair of heel's and not look like a dork? I mean let's face it ladies you have had far more time and experance at this and any advise would help us guy's.

Well, I aint no lady but a lot of ladies ask me advise about how to walk so here's what I tell them

You will notice when you walk along a wall or fence line or any stationary object, that if you look over, the wall is going up and down. Change your steps to where the wall is level as you walk.

real men wear heels

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old deportment tricks; shoulders back, ass forward (not too much), level head (as below) imagine you have small pile of books balanced on your head; straighten your spine - the more weight you can put through your heels, rather than forward onto your toes, the better. Don''t think like John Wayne (like you've been sat on a horse all day), more like.......well a woman; keep your toes pointing down a little more than if wearing flats but still make sure your heels strike first........ that should do for the time being, be graceful. R.

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