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Lunch time


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All the family have headed in different directions, Wife is in Cornwall with parents, and daughters are either out with boyfriend or in London and a Manga expo so I have some peace. For a while. I was asked out to lunch with the un-in-laws (her ex and great people) at, of all places the local masonic hall. wow. Just come in and eat and hit the bar, no signing in no guest of member xyz nowt. Well I had said before that I may go high and that I did, black long jeans, black shirt and 4 " heel boots. Had to pick up some of the "family" enroute, waited for others in the car park and strolled around to get a ticket and then went inside and sat down. 10 of us in all and no one noticed! Three other groups/tables and again nothing. Conversation was flowing and quite open and adult, general mischief really. I was asked if I was being naughty (more lazy and laid back) as everyone was away by an "aunt". Yes I replied and pointed down to my boots. "Wee! they're taller than mine" and asked to try them on, as it seemed a compliment I complied, Compliment it was! then got the "how do you walk in them" returned "how do you walk?" and agreed the description was the same. In all I got then some very positive comments, my un-sister inlaw had not realised I was heeled and acknowledged I walked well for her not to notice, I think she will be watching like a hawk in future as will many others. A good outing I would say and with more ticks in the boxes to build confidence.:chuckle: Al


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Congratulations on a nice outing. Those are nice boots and it is always wonderful to exchange pleasentries concerning the high heels that you are wearing. Many women have said to me that they could never walk in the hgih heels that I am wearing at that time. Every time I hear that comment I always wonder if more men are seen in high heels, and if fewer women wear them, who knows where the trend will go?

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Very nice I am glad to here about the great outing. A long time ago I went out to eat with my wife. I decided to wear a short skirt and 5 inch red metal heeled pumps. I figured why not. You know what? No one noticed and if they did they didn't care. I learned that most of the time it is a big mental mind game. Congrats and hope you have more stories soon. Jen.

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Yes three had seen me in heels before, two aware of the interest only and one of them has a roomful! (To be explored next weekend).

In September I meet up with Xaphod at Waterloo station that was real public outing, sitting at a bar heels very visible, it is a head game but once settled into "role" the easier it gets. After a few hours it's caution to the wind "lets show the world"

Chris is more cautious and does restrict me but she does have a professional status.

Life can be fun and challenging


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They are really comfy, the only problem is sock or hose seams or at least the knot finish. I'm sure I'm not alone on that complaint and in any shoe!

I've now retipped them 4 times and are not excessively noisy, as for mileage I can cover <3 miles at a time/evening with the tips lasting about ten to twelve miles until I hit the pin. full leather uppers and were in the River Island sale for £20 (95 originally) totally a no brainer.


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