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Hi from Hamburg, Germany

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Hi everybody, I´m a 40 year old high heel lover from Hamburg in Germany - i´ve been reading & enjoying the posts on this forum for quite a while.... ....thought it´s now time to say at least hello to you all and hope to contribute a little bit more in the future by posting a few pictures or some intelligent words...we´ll see.... Have a great weekend - Tom:wave:

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welcome to hhplace, tomham. :w00t2: I know there are other members that live near to you and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't contact you soon. Why not tell us a little about your interest in high heels and if you wear them yourself or are just an admirer. :chuckle:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Hi Bubba136, thanks for your kind answer - yes, i do wear heels myself...I have quite a few pairs; starting from mid-heeled cowboy boots (3") up to 5,5" high heel wooden clogs and boots/shoes. I am still in that process of getting used to wearing high heels outside and I really hope that men´s fashion is going to change into that direction..... Have a great day!:chuckle: Tom (who is gay, by the way, and so i don´t really seem to fit in - but i hope you don´t mind.....)

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Greetings TomHam, Nice to have you join us here at the HH Place which you have been part of for some time. Nice to have step out that small insignificant closet. For you I am sure that is a smaller closet than the shoe closets we have lived in for some time. As you know and we all seem to acknowledge, this is our chance at life, lets live to the fullest. You do fit in, we all do, it's just the line ups that take quite some time to figure out for this life. Enjoy! Mtnsofheels

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