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It's all about Confidence!


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After my first successful outing last week.

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I need to change my vote from, No, I have not yet found the courage to wear heels outside.to YES! Thank you all!!

Thanks to this forum and all who post here I finally wore my heels openly in the daylight and in town (Portsmouth) and guess what? no one even noticed!

After reading the advice of others here I brought a pair of heels a bit lower than my usual style and just went for it. After parking up I headed for the ticket machine only to find there was a maintainence man working on one of the machines, at this point I almost backed out but he never flinched even though my heels sounded like a train to me, that just boosted my confidence no end. After that it was all so easy, off through a major department store and away off through the main shopping precinct, checking out all the shoe shops along the way.

I now wonder what all the bother was about and realize that it was all in my own head and nobody out there actualy notices or they can't be bothered!

Once again Thanks to everyone here for the support and information.

End Quote.

I had the opportunity to wear my heels out again on a trip to Southampton,

This time I had a lot more confidence from the start and was able to take in what was going on around me. I am sure that there were a few people that noticed mostly due to the sound they made, shop assistants seemed especially alert and I even got a knowing smile from one in the ladies shoe department of Debenhams.

Apart from that there were no wild reactions or comments even though there was a lot of younger student types hanging around. I spent over an hour walking around the shops and malls just as a guy wearing heels

Once again thanks to all here for the support and information that finally got me out and about in heels, as you have all said if you act confident you don't draw attention to yourself and no body cares!

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Good man. The more that do like you have done, and more importantly don't look stupid in doing so, will help. Alright it isn't going to start an avalanche of men wearing heels, but remembering that it is the women that notice this sort of thing and if they think you look good doing what you do, then they may think of the word men and heels are compatible. The shoe style is critial though. Too high or too slender and your onto a looser straight away. 3" cuban heels as I wear constantly and I just get asked where I got them from - by men mostly. Keep on doing it and enjoying the experience. Simon.

Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?

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I congratulate you on your outing.My advice would be to wear a high heeled shoe that you are comfortable with. I have worn block or cuban heeled men's shoes for years in public and usually draw no attention. I now wear more feminine and higher heeled shoes because that is what I enjoy wearing and am comfortable with. I welcome all reactions, positive or negative, and even somtime engage conversation with any that comment. The main thing is to have fun and enjoy all of your experiences.
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The penny's dropped!

Yes Dr Shoe you are so right, all the problems and the apprehension were all in my own head but it was not an easy place to find my way out of ! may be it was full of old rubbish collected over the years, life seems so much simpler the younger you are.

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