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Hello Again

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Hello Again, Well, it has been a few years since I have posted anything here. I have still been enjoying heels and every now and then I have popped in on the forums to see what has been going on. About five years ago I came into a relationship that ultimately led to my marriage I thought it might be a good idea to spend more time with the Mrs. than online. She is supportive of my experience with heels and things are very good. We have been married for three years and I really dig it. What is leading me back to this great web site and organization is that I am moving toward beginning a group for guys and gal who dig wearing heels in the Phoenix Arizona area. I saw a web site one time for gals who have great shoes and not enough occasions to wear them so they get together somewhere around once a month so that they can enjoy wearing their shoes. I thought that would be great to have something similar that was guy inclusive. I am also involved with a spiritual growth organization that sees the idea of a group with this purpose as a great way for guys who enjoy wearing high heels but still feel odd about it to find joy and self acceptance in the experience. So that is what is up for me. If you have any input or positive support for the group it would be appreciated. So I think that you will find me around more as this group experience comes together. See you around the forum, Larry

Life is short...  Wear the bleeping shoes!

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Welcome back, AZShoeNut! your endeavor in Phoenix sounds interesting. Please keeps us up to date on developments. ;)

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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