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Tight-Fitting Leather Shoes or Boots? Hey! This works!


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For the twentieth time in a couple of years I tried pulling my most expensive pair of boots over a pair of simple cotton socks the other day.

Ugh! :jap:

Most of my leather heels fit over socks, but not these, so I must choose between comfort and cold, or warmth and discomfort. I was hoping they would have broken in by now, especially given the many times I've worn them with socks, even though only just for a couple of hours, as any longer and I can't stand the discomfort any longer.

Then, it hit me, and I decided to make a shake!


I blended two cups of hot water with about six squirts of Aveeno moisturizing hand lotion, a tablespoon of some after-sun 99% aloe vera gel that has some tea tree oil and menthol in it, and half a cup of rubbing alcohol (helps dissolve any fats/oils in the Aveeno, turning what would have been an emulsion into a solution). Next I poured the solution into a bucket of slightly warmer than body temp water and stirred until it was thorouly blended. Then I dunked a dry pair of my best-fitting smooth, thin cotton socks in there, thoroughly soaking them, before wringing them out and putting them on. It's important to use thin socks, as you don't want to over-stretch your boots. Finally, I poured equal amounts of the warm solution into the boots and let it sit for a few minutes.

I dumped out the solution from the boots and put them on, ensuring there were no folds or wrinkles in my socks, and wore them for the remainder of the day.

Leather, being breathable, allowed my feet to dry in a few hours.

My boots now fit me perfectly! ;-) As they continue to stretch, I can simply upgrade to thicker cotton socks.

On the other hand, if you're a die-hard bare-skin boot wearer, this would probably work just as well with, well, your bare skin! I'd soak your feet in the bucket for twenty minutes (while your boots are also soaking) so your skin is overly hydrated and has absorbed some of the moisturizer. If that doesn't work, try a very thin pair of cotton or part-cotton tights.

This hit me when I was using some Aveeno in the morning, as my hands have been dry lately. I thought if it's good enough for my human skin, why not try it with the boot's skin? :w00t2:

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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You're a very creative person. Professor Snape would have been proud of you! :w00t2:

I did forget to add the abeezal and asphidil... ;-)

Those who really care about us don't make a fuss about what we wear. Those who make a fuss about what we wear really don't care about us.

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