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Ive been going out with my amazing girlfriend for 8 months now. she does not know i'm really into my high heels.

She usually wears 4 or 5 inch heels, one pair from new look with a slight platform i really like.

recently totally spoilt me for my birthday so to say thank you i decided to buy her a pair of

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I was extremly scared to give them to her but once the deed was done i could relax. She totally loves them!!! she was ultra impressed by my taste and i just want to thank her so much for wearing them! i doubt ill ever be able to confess my fetish but i'm so happy that my amazing girlfriend can go out in 5.5" heels as well!

:thumbsup::welcome::winkiss::lmao::) ;D


I think, that it is the right time to tell here.... Hence your lovefor High Heels you where ablwe to buy these for her.... You should get the hint from her.... She loves them, you have a good taste.... the question from her; where this good taste??? Get my drift, go on you have to try to tell her, it "might" make live so much easier and more fun.... The assessment is totally up to you, now. FL



Judging from your gift she has an inkling. Since she received them well the door is open for you to tell all. It would be a terrible waste of time for you to not tell her, whichever way it goes. As I've matured I've become upfront about it. If I think a relationship is turning into something I put it out there. That way if she can't deal with it we can move on.


Or you could jokingly ask her to return the favor by buying you a pair of heels and test her reaction.

I like this idea! Go for it! Its a safety net. No one can get hurt.

real men wear heels


great shoes!! and a very good conversation topic to go to if you want to talk about high heels with her. Congrats!


had a think and i'm not into telling her. i dont think she would take it well at all. it would just be too weird for her. I havent really thought about my on heels for quite some time I just can look at hers! which is enough for me. ive settled for telling her that i find them extremely attractive and sexy. after a few days with her new shoes now she is really sold on buying more. i showed her the websites i looked at for her and she was amazed. looks like a pair of thigh highs could be her birthday present as she instantly pointed and wanted them. I really dont know who will be happier, her or me!


I think you have done enough for now, as she must know you are keen to see her in sexy high heels by buying her the pair you did. I must admit thats how I first really showed my wife of my interest in heels, she would quite happily wear 3.5 to 4 inch heels even to work, when one day we were out shopping & saw a really sexy pair of heels in Dolcis nearly 5 inches high without platform. She picked them up & commented on how high they were & put them back on the shelf (much to my disappointment) but I just knew I had to get them & present them to her at some point. So later that day I went back to the shop alone & bought them, & decided to give them to her as a Christmas present which was only a couple of weeks away. On Christmas morning she opened them up & was really quite surprised that I had bought some very high heels for her, but she could see I was elated as she tried them on & walked so sexily around the room in them. To this day now, she still wears 4 to 5 inch heels in public, & wears 5.5 to 6 inch heels for those special times at home. She even points out other women wearing sexy heels on the TV or out & about, as she knows I am still as keen as I always was. Good Luck to you.


does anyone know where you can get these same shoes without the peep hole. i really like the 51/2 inch height . i would love to see my wife in those shoes. because of the platform i know she could wear them out. but we both prefer the closed toe style. thank you.

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