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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. My stepmom is a teacher, and she was explaining to me why I shouldn't have got my ear pierced. Apparently the kids at school don't look after them properly, have accidents with them, and so on, and it's a real problem. I think that about 14 or so is about right. Having said that, you see babies of either gender less than a year old, with pierced ears around here. I think that's going far too far! I certainly wouldn't let my little boy have his ear pierced until he was old enough to defy me on the subject.

  2. Okay, people who work on farms, I can see that it becomes a tool of the job. And, as a non-vegetarian, I'm on slightly shaky ground condemming hunting. But the whole idea of most of the population walking around armed scares the heck out of me. It's true, tho', that when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. I think that we're lucky in the UK that most people aren't armed, and the penalties for using a gun in the commission of a crime are rather severe, so that tends to put people off. Each to their own, tho'. I've only been to America a few times, not enough to see if there's a real difference.

  3. On 2002-05-28 01:01, Anonymous wrote:

    Far be it from me to lecture an American on the US constitution from the relative safety of the UK, but doesn't the Second Amendment actually say something about carrying arms as part of "a well-ordered militia"? That is, something more like a small army than someone who needs armour-piercing shells to subdue a particularly unruly tub of ice-cream?

    I guess that I'm just uncomfortable with the idea of being able to use deadly force, or have it potentially used against me.

    Oops-that was me!

  4. On 2002-05-26 23:30, terayon wrote:

    ugly shoes :wink:

    congrats yamyam, sounds like ya had fun :smile:

    Uh, I thought vanes were like wedges, only narrower at the bottom. I thought you and me, Terayon, were the big fans of vanes and wedges.

    And I did have fun... apparently I phoned my Dad from my mobile whilst drunk too. Still, he's used to it by now :smile:

  5. Well, while I'm waiting for IE6 to download... I went off to a friend's for the last UK bank holiday weekend, just to get away.

    I went down to an old friend's house near London, to stay for a couple of days. I'd decided to arrive in heels, but on the day had a total bottle failure about 2 miles away, so stopped and changed. (Note to self - that's how to attract attention). When I arrived, I found that another old friend was already there.

    I decided to go for it. These two chaps have accepted all kinds of odd behaviour from our Uni circle over the years, and so I went for it. I popped into the spare room and changed into my extra-long jeans and my fave 4" vanes. I nervously tiptoed out again, and took a deep breath. Neither of them looked at all bothered. Fifteen minutes later, we were off to the shop round the corner for me to buy a couple of bits.

    Some more people turned up, one I knew, and some I didn't. Not a word, even though I was bouncing around all over the place in my heels. Then we went to the pub, and I got rather drunk. Oh, best make that 'drunker'. Several more friends there, and again, no-one said anything. I was sat next to a friend's girlfriend, and I was sure she'd twig, but no.

    We wobbled back drunkenly to my mate's house, and partied some more, before I crashed out. I wore trainers the next morning, and went shopping at the local shops in them. Then I went to another friends (the one who'd been at the first friend's house) for the evening.

    All he said was 'Can you drive in those?' I told him that I can. We spent another fun evening with me appreciating the full power of his 512K internet link and stuff. The following morning I had to drive back up to work, so I put on my normal length jeans. Then I found out I'd left my trainers in the car, so I had to put my heels back on, and leave in those. I changed them before going back to the office, and spent the rest of the day smiling mysteriously :smile: .

    So there you have it.

  6. On 2002-05-26 18:10, Anonymous wrote:

    "No, Yamyam, I used to live there but I got the hell out as soon as I could."

    There's nothing wrong with the Midlands. Bet if football boots came with heels you watch it then

    Err, no. Sorry, but even hh football boots wouldn't convince me. Mind you, they'd make a hell of a mess of the turf :smile: .

    I'm too busy watching all the motorsport I can find on my 62 cable channels, and surfing the Internet :smile:

  7. Yeah, I'm fed up with it too. I work in a small team, and we're often not all in the office at the same time. Most of my team sit in one room, our manager has an office just up the corridor, and I sit in the room next door. It's so that I can avoid all of the football conversations, which is normally dull, but has now got up to 'thank heavens for a week on-site' levels :smile: The problem is, I'm probably the only man in the Midlands who doesn't like football!

  8. I wanted my ear pierced when I was 16... but my Dad absolutely freaked. So I didn't. Years later, I showed him my new tattoo, and all he said was 'At least you didn't get your ear pierced'. He's also got no problem with me and my boots. Hmmm... not quite sure how this one works :smile:

  9. If I'm not wearing ordinary socks, I tend to wear knee-highs with my boots and shoes. I find they slip on easier, and I think barefoot in boots is a bit yucky after a while! I have been known to wear tights (okay, no-one knew except me) but I don't think I'd want to wear them all day, and especially not now the weather is warming up :smile: .

  10. Well, I've just needed to protect something that wouldn't fit in an ordinary shoebox - but fitted neatly into a shoebox that a nice pair of 3" spade heels arrived in. Otherwise, I've found several pairs of high heels useful for protecting the soles of my feet when walking around outside. Does that count :smile: ?

  11. On 2002-05-12 07:20, Charlie wrote:

    I'd love to, but when I last printed a personal "business" card that stated: "I'm here to help" above an image of my hand with only the middle finger out, I was informed about the proper use of the copying machine. :smile:

    Now that sounds like a good laugh! To the scanner!

  12. On 2002-05-11 12:43, Francis wrote:

    just reminds you to buy teabags and gravy browning :smile:

    Actually, usually reminds me to buy bottles of milk :smile:

    But then, being a cafe-au-lait sort of colour, I'm just being smug.

  13. This is a difficult one. I don't think that automatic penalties are a good idea. After all, there are sometimes extenuating circumstances.

    Overall, I suppose the problem that I have with the death penalty is that it's irreversible. I don't know 100% that no-one who's been executed has been later found innocent. I do know there have been several cases where someone has been found innocent after several years in prison, who might have been executed had the death penalty been in force for that offence at that time.

    So I'm against the death penalty.

    On the other hand, as a parent of a 4-year old, I'm in favour of the harshest possible penalties, possibly including death, to anyone who harms a child.

    So, I'm also in favour of the death penalty.

    Actually, as a high-heeled man, I don't agree with society on everything anyway.

    9 out of 10 dog owners can be wrong!

  14. As I recall from UK news, he was fairly centre, openly gay, but opposed to immigration. Seemed like an odd combination, but that's what makes people interesting. But this whole issue has polarised people so much, it's not surprising someone's killed him. Not that I agree with killing people, of course!

  15. I've got a few pairs of no-heel boots, like my Doc Martins, a pair of sandy Cat boots, and a pair of smart ankle boots for work. I don't think boots are 'women-only', but then, I agree that they're not women's shoes, they're mine!

  16. Thanks for the messages of support, everyone. To be honest, I'm getting divorced from someone else, and Dizzyblonde was my first try at getting together with someone else. We'd only been seeing each other for about three months. Anyhow, yeah, I will try and get out more. And I would have liked to meet up shopping, but I ended up working until 11:30pm last night. D'oh. Next time. Oh, and if there's a computer fair going on, and I can get out...

  17. No need for people to be confused. Dizzyblonde and I split up a little while ago. The thing about 'lies and deception' was aimed at me, not anyone else. Unsurprisingly, I'm not happy at the moment, which is why I'm being a bit quiet too. Hope this helps everyone. And I'd like to take this opportunity to wish her all the best with her life.

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