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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I've got to say that I've got some men's clothes in 'non-traditional' colours, such as bright yellow and blue, and purple. I've just done a presentation to twenty people in a purple shirt and no-one's said anything. I like to dress well, and I know that my girlfriend appreciates me making the effort. Personally, I think that fashion for men is what we make it. Let's break out of the box and go for it! Now if I can just take my own advice... :smile:

  2. On 2002-03-18 21:38, terayon wrote:

    how did your dad react?

    As I recall, he said something like "We'll get you sorted out one of these days!" and laughed. I've spent a while working out who and what I am (like my whole life so far) and I've been thru it with my Dad. I think he's just going to be cool with it all.

    im the other way around....id much rather tell my mom than my dad...i think in general moms are more accepting of their children...while men tend to be a stricter or more set in their ways

    Well, as someone's Dad, I'm happy to accept anything my son says to me about himself - but I know that most people would rather talk to their Mom. I'm just not one of those people!

    Having said that, I'm not sure I'd actually wear heels when my Dad's around. Certainly not yet. Part of that might be that I always have my little boy with me when I see my Dad, tho'.

  3. Oops! Sorry, chaps. I'm somewhat new to accepting all of this, and actually somewhat new to the Midlands. You're right that the biggest problem is inside. I'm just working on the confidence, so I'm just going to keep working on it. Such is life, I suppose. I've never had a bad experience, but I'm taking things one step at a time. (Oh, sorry about the weak pun :smile: )

  4. Well done, Terayon!

    You're much braver than I was at your age.

    I think it might be best to give your Mom a little while, then ask about wearing heels around. But yeah, start with some lower heels first. Apart from anything else, I went for a two hour walk in heels my first time out, and really wished I hadn't.

    Go for it, and good luck!

    (And I haven't told my Mom yet, and I'm 0x20 years old. But I have told my Dad!)

  5. Far be it for me to argue with the illustrious Firefox, but I'm not 100% sure about that last comment. I think different things happen 'down south', to be honest. I was born in Surrey, so it's not just not having been there or anything. People seem more reserved in the south, less likely to comment. Mind you, perhaps it's more about me being shy than them :smile: . I have worn heels out a couple of times, and not had problems, but I'm reluctant around the Midlands. But next time I'm near Lakeside, you can bet I'll be up for it B) .

  6. I agree about hunting down persons responsible for terrorist acts. OK, this is a UK perspective, but I've yet to hear any convincing evidence that Osama Bin Laden is responsible for anything except some dodgy-looking television broadcasts. I'm not really in favour of bombing Afghanistan until the rubble bounces without some evidence to the effect that yes, OBL was responsible for the terrorist attacks he's being hunted for, and that trashing Afghanistan is going to help. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the Taliban (and I don't agree with them either), I don't think that the right thing is being done here. I also don't think that I'm going to be convinced on this one any time soon, either. How has replacing the government helped in any way at all? Sorry, but I want more evidence before I support the rubble-bouncers.

  7. I work in consultancy, where projecting an image of conformity is quite important. Hence I wear a suit and tie virtually all of the time when I'm working (and dull shoes, before you ask B) ). It's just part of the job for me. It doesn't bother me, except that I'd rather get changed before driving a long way home, just because I prefer to drive in jeans. I like to choose nice ties that go with the otherwise fairly plain stuff I wear. The one I'm wearing now is a very nice present from my SO, who also likes purple. I've never had one shredded, but I did slam the end of my tie in the case of a PC I'd just fixed, then stand up. Not only did I get a slight case of neck strain, I tore the end off my tie! Ouch :smile: .

  8. Haven't looked this one up on the CD sleeve yet, but I seem to remember a fragment along the lines of: "Why can't I be in your shoes?" The song goes on about the grass is greener on the other side of the fence &c, but for some reason, that one line of the chorus stuck in my mind :smile: .

  9. Well, as I said in the Achievements channel, not so long ago I went off to a shopping centre in heels. The assistant who'd served me the last time I was there was there again. She remembered me from the last time, and we spent a while chatting about shoes again. She showed me quite a nice pair with a square toe and a blade heel, and fetched out a size 8 (she even remembered my size). I tried them, they fit well, and so I bought them. As I was trying them on, she noticed my vanes, and asked where I'd got them. She asked how long I'd had them on - it was about two hours by then - and said I was doing pretty well in them. All in all, a top shopping experience. So, if anyone's in Meadowhall, I recommend the shop called 'logo'. It is a clothes shop, but has an excellent shoe section too.

  10. Well, I went for it at a shopping centre near a place I was working away. I put my favourite 4" vanes on, left my hotel room, drove there, spent two hours walking around, then came back. I spent about four hours in my heels, all told, and had a top time. Mind you, I was quite glad to take them off, and I've gained huge respect for anyone who could wear them all day :smile: . More practice needed for me, I think!

  11. What animated Mr Bean thing?

    I'm a big Python fan, and as I work in the computer industry, there are always references to 4 Yorkshiremen &c &c. Anytime anyone mentions anything more than about two versions old, anyone around goes into a 4 Yorkshiremen bit.

    I also like the Pink Panther movies, and actually, old comedy in general.

  12. Well, I wasn't affected all that much. I was working on-site that day, and I remember moaning about 'what are all those other buggers doing listening to the news?' I didn't find out what had happened until I turned the radio on as I drove back to the hotel. I have a lot of family in the States, and I lost a distant relation, and nearly lost a closer one (he was late to work). But it's true, tho'. Here in the UK, we've lived with terrorism for a long time, and personally, it doesn't bother me. I've lived in or near several places that a WTC-style attack might work on, but I've never given it a second thought. I still don't. The main effect for me is that as I don't look 100% English, and have a slight Midlands accent, I get loads of unwanted attention from security guards now. I've actually been thrown out of one place as a 'potential security risk' :smile: . What's the point of that?

  13. I didn't use the old board, so I've no idea on how they compare. But I like the way this board works. After finding a couple of handy documents, like how to do BBCode and smilies, and also the search trick to find new stuff, I'm quite happy with it. Personally, this is the first on-line community I've ever felt at home in, and happy to participate in. I email friends and family (doesn't everyone :smile: ?) but this is the first time I've been mixing it in with people I don't know personally - well, with one exception! I don't think anything can be all things to all people, but I'm happy with this board the way it is. So, let's keep it going! Oh, and I'm an IT consultant, with a degree in computer science, and about 9 years experience of several different kinds of computers, so I guess I count as a high-end user. I don't know if that makes any difference!

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