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Posts posted by JSpikeheels

  1. she moved to the top of my list in this movie...you have got to watch it for yourself...four inch stiletto pumps and she wore them the entire movie long...you know, how we try to crane our necks to see if the director cheated but-and, this is what got me: I COULD NOT SEE that she took them off AT ALL...


    ...cheers everyone...


  2. old timers help me out here...who was the contributor to Jenny's and various other blogs and forums from Edmonton Alberta who sounds a lot like the descriptions shared here-she used to recount some of the most revealing outfits she wore to work and somehow she was reprimanded as I recall and shortly after drifted away from us... Bubba wuld know and maybe raincat JSpikeheels/Jim

  3. something special happens when we pass from the point of from seeing others in them-we feel a "sensation" but it's one of a sort of "distance", of externalizing the pleasure - to where we feel a connection with the experiences we share with very own spike heels...once we remove the distance between us and our objects of desire and can internalize the feelings an entire world of pleasure and sensation opens to us...

  4. I apologize to those who read my earlier post for my use of "inappropriate language"; the 'tech' has kindly omitted the language but has graciously allowed the post to stand with best wishes JSpikeheels/Jim

  5. Hello Everyone: Let me form my question by sharing an anecdote from earlier today: I was at my Ford dealership earlier today to tend to a small matter of replacing a bulb in the overhead instrument panel; ...I'm aquainted with a certain woman-friend there whom I admire very much who generally wears spikeheels-usually black pumps-with hot four inch heels but the last couple days she's been in a heavier-style sandal-type heel that were, frankly, unattractive well I saw "K" today and she was wearing a beige-colored stiletto heel that must have soared six inches off the ground if an inch...I got a buzz in my brain that reminded me how much pleasure I get wearing heels and, well you get the idea ...just before I started wearing heels myself I went through a stage where I would see ladies on the streets and in stores in hot high heels and a warm aroused feeling came over me when I began to consider making that last final step between imagining and participating in the experience... ...in recent days, the kid's been hanging around the house more often than usual and my "heels-time" has gone away and hid...so when I saw "K" today it was like those days when I only imagined what it might be like before the pleasure of sharing the feelings added to the enjoyment ..so the question I have for you is this: what is the experience/person as your role model/object in your life that provided the final solution and marks the point when you made the step from imagination to participation JSpikeheels/Jim

  6. so I walked down to my Ranger and changed into my Bertinni Scotty black stiletto boots with the 5 1/2 inch heel and drove over to the fast food restaurant across from the hospital offices where I often stop for a bite...it was seniors day in there, it seemed, cause the place was full of blue haired old ladies and bent over old men...and in walked J in those killer heels and you would have thought the place was on fire-every head snapped in my direction and the chins wagged like flags at the United Nations whipping in the wind and I loved every moment of it all-good thing the hospital was close by...'911 anyone...

  7. ...yesterday I did a medical file delivery to an area doctor's office and as I was walking to the elevator to leave a woman passed by wearing a pair of sandals with a one inch heel...if that ...what is the point of even bothering to pretend she is the least bit interested in a heel if one inch or less is all the enthusiasm she seemed to be able to muster to drag her azay out of bed and go to the obvious inconvenience for one lousy inch... ...heels, glorious heels have to be HIGH (at least get me over the 2 1/2" to show you at least care enough to make an effort) HEELS not h-e-e-l-s tiny little oooh these are sooo high I don't know if I can stand them one inchers... love my rant? I thought so...lol JSpikeheels/JIM

  8. here is a link to an article I discovered as I wondered just what Arab "Culture" considers inappropriate fashion regarding high heels:



    Iran has set aside $1.5 billion to promote “moral conduct,” including enforcement of its dress code for women, “to solve the cultural and social ills” in society, Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar said on May 10. His comments followed the introduction of a code of conduct at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences that bans loud laughter, nail polish, high heels and immodest clothing for women and men.

    Shoes shouldn’t have pointed toes, make noise or have heels higher than 3 centimeters (1.2 inches).

    comments invited:


  9. I go back with Bubba to the old "Feet & Shoes On the 'Web" that we fondly recall as he mentioned "F&S' and Jenny's site- (which offered a chat venue that later turned up at Spinchat (come-to-high-heels)...by the way, it was accorded 'permanent' status as a group and I think it' still there.. ...we used to meet at 7pm-on Saturday evenings Eastern Time (in the US) if anyone might be remotely interested in having a look-in some time ------------------------- my wife Donna is similar to Mrs Bubba- not interested in the internet or what he or I do with our time "in here" if I may infer ...but Donna heard plenty from me about the ladies we fondly recall from those days and when our son moved out of the nest and it was suddenly just she and I she got the message that she needed to make more of an effort to wear high heels both when out together and as often as she could here at home and, as she has seen, I have opportunities now to wear them here at home AND when I go out- both with her or without her ...her attitude has become one of silent acceptance where was once silent hostility; she seems to have come to a point where she almost approves but will never say so (her world in her brain is so reinforced with concerns of "what will others think..." that she struggles with the concept that some people just do not care what her husband chooses to wear) how many of us have "so's" or wives with the same "what others may think" attitudes JSpikeheels/JIM

  10. after thinking about the article and starting several times to add some comments I decided you are right- however, I will say this: as we go through life we find ourselves making choices that seem to be the right ones at the time...all the choices leave us with are reasons why it is not "proper" for us to be seen in heels in public and we accept those reasons and bury our desires... ...then one day we discover that we have the time and the opportunities to indulge ourselves but we did not expect this and didn't prepare...and this "trap" he speaks of is the opportunity (to wear heels) but the realization that we have not prepared... ...so we suddenly present our wives with this whole other person-unknown to her but to ourselves fully aware of who we have been all these years and who suddenly wants to release the erotic-self who was here all the time but who never revealed himself because his choices never allowed him (to)... ...that's a better description I was reaching for in my original post- we want to wear them but society and responsibilities to work and family make us bury the feelings deep then when we are older and our responsibilities have been met and we want to discover the self we denied we learn that we are still trapped in the expectations of others after all try that Jim

  11. Hello Chris: with respect to your age I can certainly understand your position; the article seemed careful to note that the ages when a man might feel "trapped" , as it were, usually begin well past the thirties and even, perhaps, the forties. When I was in those years wearing heels was the farthest thing from my mind-but I sure loved to see them on ladies; that has never changed. In my case I was past sixty with a lifetime of choices behind me and, suddenly, with a secure retirement income stream and circumstances of a part-time self employed (courier) position occupying my time now I have the opportunity and the inclination to see how I could "feel the thrill for myself" that I felt vicariously all those years enjoying heels on the ladies.

  12. the first time you venture outside your front door in those bootsyou are going to be terrified-and so aroused in several ways- part of you will feel like you are the biggest idiot who ever was, part of you will feel like a part of you has found a life you never knew you had, part of you will think every eye who passes has seen you, part of you will quickly discover no one notices or cares, part of you wants to hide from sight, part of you wants to roll your jeans up to the knees to show them off... ...the emotions are nearly overwhelming in the first days-but give them time and watch yourself carefully- questions your motives but forgive yourself for having the courage to explore "the undiscovered country" that lies within you

  13. Hello Everybody:

    I came across an article in an 'e-zine' referencing the subject: crossdressing and I felt like I had just had a psychoanalysis- this really hit me and I suspect many of you will appreciate the insights offered in this article to help us understand a possible motivation for the why we are so attracted to high heels:

    I will copy the article and list the credit/link at the conclusion:

    Article begins:

    It is not uncommon for men to feel trapped in their own life, especially not when it comes to either identifying or discovering new aspects in their sexuality. And getting out of the trap may not always be easy, especially not if your spouse is not open to this. Simply because getting out of the trap - which is not (although frequently identified as) the same as a mid-life crisis - may bring about some drastic shifts in your life. For both of you, actually.

    The most blatent example is the situation where a married men "suddenly" discovers he is either gay or bisxual. This is neither sudden, nor a discovery, but in fact the men in question making room in his head for other, new ideas that he may have suppressed (conciously or not) for a long time. And this does not exactly happen in the area of sexual inclination - but also in other sexually related areas, such as discovering or identifying BDSM-emotions, crossdressing or simply discovering that there are other women as well and that there may be room in your life (and heart) for more than one.

    This "life trap" - which is a very typical MALE thing - is something that has not attracted a lot of attention yet. However, it is fair to say that it can be compared to the situationof the woman who, after having raised children, wants to return to an active economic or social life and finds she's way behind in many developments and may not be able to do what she actually wants as a result of previous choices in life (this has as little to do with the meno-pause as the male trap has to do with mid-life crisis, even though all these events may happen more or less in the same period in your life). Both men and women will not be able to escape the trap without dramatic choices in their lives.

    It doesn't always have to be dramatic - largely depending on your personal situation. Quite a few people "escape" the trap as a result of other changes in their lives, such as finding a new role and destiny in life though being grandparents, or picking up the study you always wanted to do, or career changes, which - especially for men - are likely to happen between 40 and 50. If you are eligeable for a top-management or board position, it will be around that age. To others however it will be a problem, especially if the trap either is directly related to your sexuality or has a large impact on it.

    The strong defense wall

    From the male point of view - which is what we are talking about here - the first thing you are likely to run into, is the HUGE defense wall your partner will build up, especially when the "trap" has sexual implecations. Most men, even trying to discuss such subjects, at some point, will have heard the "I am not good enough" argument at some point - and frequently more than once. In lots of cases that and the sound of a slamming front door will also be the last thing they hear, because that is where the relationship ends.

    While the men feels he's (trying to be) honest about himself, his partner will feel betrayed and frequently "dumped" and communication is difficult if not entirely impossibe - for a long while and possibly forever. And since the "trap" is not something that has so far been identified very well, finding help or solutions is next to impossible. The two of you will have to sort it out by yourself, one way or another.

    This is the time when "affairs" start to happen or when "the internet" comes in - secret virtual meetings in chat rooms, in Internet clubs and many other fora. No, we emphasize it again, THIS IS NOT MID-LIFE CRISIS! It is feeling trapped in your own choices that may not always have been your own and it has nothing to do with hormonal changes or the fact that you are losing hair or virility - even though all that may happen at the same time. The life of most men simply is a long chain of compromizes and choices hat were right at the time but that may turn against him later. Carreer choices, partner choices, financial choices and many others. His prime - self-imposed as a result of social programming - responsibility has always been making money, building and - even more importantly - supporting his family and now that he has done all that he feels he has lost old friends and missed opportunities and discovers that there is more to life than a carreer, financial security and a family to support. His first girlfriend starts to haunt his dreams again, together with old ideas, fishing or hiking trips, the good old sports days and frequently (if he has such a background) the "happy days with his buddies in the army"). All of that of course in a happy and rosy-red perspective.

    Looking for footholds

    What he is doing is looking for footholds. A combination of three - very important - things:

    1. (re)assurance of his choices

    2. openings for new possibilities

    3. (re)inventing himself

    And while he feels alone (since probably no-one will (re)assure him when it comes to his life choices), he feels trapped by the situation he is in - unable to leave his relationship (because he BOTH cannot without severe consequences and probably does not want to), unable to leave his carreer (again because of servere personal and economic consequences and probably not just for himself), physically unable to pick things he used to do (because he's out of condition) and unable to make room for himself (because of the many social, economical and family obligations AND the defense wall).

    So, what to do? He'll look for footholds. He eventually probably WILL make room for himself and to him that neither feels like betrayal nor as weakness. In fact, it is very likely he will feel this as an important achievement (in other words the "room" may be cheating on his wife, but it doesn't feel like cheating, it feels like well-deserved personal space).

    It doesn't make any sense - if the "trap" is sexually related, regardless in what way - to come up with solutions like: take up a hobby, find an education or go have a beer with your friends. And he isn't exactly Al Bundy either. He feels trapped and wants himself and the trap(s) to be taken seriously, quite often regardless the consequences (in other words: divorce).

    The long and painful road

    But it gets worse. The trap will become a trap by itself. Hardly any man WANTS a divorce, because it goes against everything he has been taught, everything that has been implanted and as a result anything he (thinks he) stands for. To the vast majority of men divorce equals (self)betrayal. So now that he identified the fact that he feels trapped and tries to find a way out or at least discuss it and find understanding, the trap in itself becomes a new, extra trap.

    The only way out - except for the drastic methods, such as divorce - is through a long and painful process of communication. A process that is painful and difficult for both partners - however, also inevitable. If he feels trapped, there will be pain (either the pain of the divorce, the pain of a drastic carreer change or the pain of the communication itself). There is no way to avoid it - if the trap is there: face it!

    Is there any general advice? No, not much - except maybe the assumption that the one-on-one, ever lasting, happy couple situation is probably not for everybody. In fact, modern divorce statistics show that the "happily ever after" are in fact a minority and may soon be reduced to a "happy few". On top of that - a lot of aspects of modern society (technological changes, the economic rat race, double income families, the information-overflow and such) only come on top of that and the 1960-slogan "Stop the world, I want to get off" is probably more accurate than ever before.

    At the same time: the "traditional relationship" (which in fact isn't that "traditional" at all, but merely an invention that is only 100 years old) is rapidly replaced by a multitude of relationships: gay, lesbian, non-married couples, poly-armory, living groups, deliberate singles, you name it. Meaning that when it comes to the view of what "a relationship" should be is probably (quite rapidly) changing. Some sociologists even argue that the baby-boomers and former hippies only now start to build the type of relationships the stood for back in the 1960s and 70s. Only history will tell if they are right or wrong. Fact is that there are changes and that, if you feel trapped, you'll probably have to do something about it.

    Hans Meijer, a Dutch former journalist and government spokesmen, is the chairman for the Powerotics Foundation. This organisation is dedicated to provide quality information about alternative lifestyles.

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_Meijer

    Male Sexuality: Feeling Trapped

    By Hans Meijer

    Hans Meijer

    Level: Basic PLUS

    Author, webmaster and fimmaker, active in the sexual and erotic information realm. Meijer is 54, Dutch and has worked as a journalist and government spokesperson ...

    Article Word Count: 1511 [View Summary] Comments (0)

    Your thoughts and comments are appreciated


  14. Assuming 'S' worked there, I find it difficult to believe anyone outside a stripper would wear 7" heels to work. You should have taken a picture of her heels...

    seven inches is really five with a two inch enclosed platform-in one man's opinion "stripper heels" as some call them are the clear plexi-glass sandal-types with ankle strap that do not seem to appear anywhere else in fashion or fun EXCEPT in stripper bars-
  15. I stopped off at the Ford dealership where I have l have all my vehicles serviced and to see my friend "S"...she was wearing a pair of seven inch heels peep toe shoes with a 2 1/2 inch plat- which she eagerly "had" to show me...I was wearing these: post-1434-13352293177_thumb.jpg post-1434-133522931774_thumb.jpg she was clucking to herself that she had the higher heels but I told her "just wait" til later this afternoon and "I'll show her"-when I went back I told her about these others but she thought I had left them home-then I slid up my jeans leg and she looked...and looked...and looked.. and said" wow, they're higher than mine..."




  16. Hello again everyone: Donna and I went out Saturday after she got her hair done. She wore a pair of Pleaser Seduce fives in bright blue with a jeans skirt; I wore my usual Wrangler jeans and my faithful 1002's ( you will hear me speak about these a lot if you hang around me)...they are the famous Pleaser Seduce 1002 rubber ankle boots with a five inch stiletto heel. We walked around a large well-known mall here in Charlotte and ended up at an Estee Lauder cosmetic counter surrounded by beautiful women every where I turned...and I didn't get one single nibble of a comment although the sales lady told Donna she liked HER heels...lol ...we ran by the house before going on to a late lunch date and I just HAD to do something to get noticed...I switched those 1002's to a pair of Seduce 2000's- PVC knee high boots with a five inch heel in BRIGHT BLUE (!!!) and went on to our restaurant and, afterward, another of our favorite stores... ...not one word but I could see a lot of people noticed those bright blue boots and that made me feel better...while at the same time wishing I had changed my shirt tfrom the one I was wearing earlier to coordinate better with the boots... ...the point to all this is: when we are comfortable wearing heels in public it turns into a sort of game to get noticed without actually screaming "look at me"- that sense of daring, of danger, if you will, becomes a narcotic and we find ourselves looking for the "rush" that wearing heels brings to not only us but the people around us... comments appreciated JSpikeheels/Jim

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