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Posts posted by asdf174

  1. Unfortunately, I think there are two thoughts we are battling here, not just one.

    IF a man is wearing women's high heels, THEN he must be gay.

    and the contrapositive form too:

    IF a man is not gay, THEN he is not wearing women's high heels.

    Be back here later on this.

    Yeah it is an interesting topic. I think people just steroptype gay people as being Feminine becasue they don't consider it "manish" so if your a guy who wears 6 inch pumps (like me in my rockin avatar ;) ) you must be gay because what can be more non manish then a guy who wears women's clothing, and that is really more of a how society views thigns kinda thing. The bad thing is this is a really hard thing to change, the good thing is however societies views change a lot over the years and it will be a matter of time before this changes I think. I think the one thing you can really do is to try to brake the mold so to speak. By wearing your heels outside the house like Jeff for example or white_6_inch_spike_heel, and several other members of this fourm. But then that brings up a whole other set of issues with tollerence. I don't know like I said I think it is a intersing topic.

  2. I would have to agree with you asdf. I myself being african american i understand where you are coming from. One problem that i see is with people like 50 cent, they don't live theat lifestyle anymore. They are always traveling or in the studio. First off 50 cent lives in connecticut no where near the ghetto. Second he doesn't drink or smoke so what does that tell you about the fools that believe what he is saying. If these thugs were a little smarter they would understand that these are lies and fabrication that they are putting on was but all they see is money, cars, clothes, and women. All they want to do is become rich and live the life they see on videos and movies. I hate the ignorance of these people that want to cry about the government holding them down but they don't want to do anything about getting themselves out. I know this is waay off topic but it had to be said. Ignorance is bliss. Please do not pigeon hole all the the likes of a few.

    Yeah I forgot to point all that out. And how most of them just rent their "bling" for their music videos. It is kind of interesting how it is starting to be more about image then anything else for a lot of rappers.

    asdf, I've no desire to listen to rap. At soon to be 50, I am way too old to change. I am still stuck on "Blondie."

    That is cool nothing wrong with Blondie. I think Blondie rocks to be honest.(I like 80's music. Espisclly the New Wave bands.) Nothing wrong with not liking a genre of music either. With me it is country and some pop (mostly your stuffl ike Britney Spears, Christina etc...) All I was trying to say is that Rap isn't all "bling" and violence.

    ASDF and sandlecrazy,

    Having been in the military for the past 21 years, I totally agree with your observations to not automatically stereotype or categorize people. Being a white male, I tend to be the miority in the military and was really the minority when I was stationed in So Cal. But I have know white guys who were bigger a--holes and more degenerated then many african-american guys thet I have met in my carreer. Each nationality/ethnicity has them, and each of us need to take each person for what he or she is, and not jump to conclusions due to looks or projected appearances....

    Wow that is what we talk about all the time here about "projected appearances", and that we are not all gay, but to many we may appear to be.... so if I am not gay, but wear kilts and heels, that may mean that an african american that has dreads and listens to hip-hop (skank or christian) may not be a bad guy either....

    well off my soap box...

    Thanks for letting an older military guy vent




    Being an ex-teacher and one into music all of my life, I must commend you on your knowledge of rap and hip hop. There is no doubt in my mind that you will some day attain your goal to become a hip hop DJ. More power to you, my friend.


    Dawn HH

    Hey Dawn! Welcome back, glad to see that you are doing ok. Thank you for your compliments. I hope to someday attain my goal.

  3. Well I don't know about all that, to me it sounds like that principal is what we call a good o'l fashion dumbass and those kids where idiots. And to me being a black person age 25 I kinda find it offensive that anyone would say those things represent balck culture and is harmless.... And what about rap music? I find that comment really offensive.(Because I'm leaning to be a hip hop dj.) Do you even listen to it? Ok yeah there are a lot of rappers who rap about negative things and that is just because that is all they know. When you are a kid in a poor neghboorhood and the first sign of success you EVER see is some drug dealer rolling on 20's with all the girls yeah that is going to have a lot of apeal and that is the case with a lot of them. But there are a lot of rappers who rap about positive things, and a lot of them are popular too Will Smith, Kanye West (nice little christian guy who has the number one single in hip hop right now and is a grammy winner)And alos had a BIG single last year called Jesus Walks, Common, Mos Deff., Outkast (another grammy winner last year), The Roots Jurrasic 5, Black Eye Peas (who latest singles have been music the whole family can listen to.), so there are lots of positive hip hop artist out there that are popular! as I said Kanye is one of the biggest and most postive names in hip hop right now. Keep in mind Hip Hop and rap music didn't even really start off as negative. That stuff came around with the ermerge of gangsta rap during the late 80's early 90's wicth is just a deffernt genre of rap. And is really the only genre of rap that gets that hardcore with all that stuff. You also got like crunk witch is just a high energy club style rap that just raps about haveing a good time. Though some Crunk does go into the violent stuff, but not a lot of it and its not nearly as hard as gangsta. People like the Lil Jon or the Ying Yang twins, Missy Elliot. I mean that was a close mind and offensive comment that is based on a sterotype. Sterotype that people assumes is the true face of hip-hop because they really know NOTHING about it. I mean if your listening to people like 50 cent, Emenim, Young Buck and thinking that is all rap is, then you need to listen to some deffernt albums. Because I know a lot of poeple who will tell you deffernt.

  4. Yeah I can see where people are commeing from with that. I don't know I just think it is a sad situation all around and I hope for the best for everyone down there. But I don't see where everyone is comeing form with that argument. But at least it is a headline regarding a relivant topic. Not as something as stupid as New studies find that kids will immatate parents that drink and smoke... I mean thats why I thought we don't do certian things in front of kids.

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