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Posts posted by asdf174

  1. I swear.

    It is very hard not to when working in an office full of stressed folk and also nearly impossible to travel around the M25 in rush hour without swearing.

    I am not bothered by it at all, I dont swear when with customers or when on the phone, neither when in polite company or in public.

    If it offends you, point it out to the swearer, they wont mind and will either tone down their language or (resists the temptation to swear) go away and leave you alone.

    I tend to turn it off and on as the situation changes.

    Hay ho.


    Exactly!!!!! Thats just a much much nicer and more positive and just overall better worded way of saying what I was trying to say.
  2. If that is what you beleive then you are welcome to it. I still stand by my original statements. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, don't like it don't use it.

    BTW Asdf: The Japanese NEVER swear, in fact Japanese does not have swear words and they would only use the profane group in the manner intended.

    Rest assure I allready know this, as I stated I studied Japanese and though I don't remember most of Japanese though it is at my fingertips to learn again(I'm still good friends with my teacher.) I remember some things and that is one of them.

  3. Well, I'm not sure about that. I heard a deffrent story. I heard they were hired killers, but they started of as honorable, or good I should say and only took out criminals and then it took off from there. I don't know about the whole disgrace Samauri thing though, I thought those were a Japanese thing and Ninja's exsisted in both China and Japan, I wouldn't doubt taht some disgraced Samurai became ninjas, I sure some did but I seriously doubt that all ninjas were disgraced Samurai. Now, I think I kinda, remember a story about a specific Clan of Ninjas that started off as disgraced samurai. But I don't remember too much of it though. I'll have to ask my friend. But that was just that one clan. Main reason why I doubt is becasue they were two completly defferent worriors with two completely defferent martial art styles. I don't know I've heard waaay to many stories and I don't think anyone really knows for sure anymore, but the point is your takeing tis topic a tad bit too seriously. Or at least in the wrong context. I love ninjas and I think the history of them is fascianlty and everything but I think of ninjas in more of a modorn sense. Today Ninja's are portriad not only as bad guys but as heros such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or several Hong Kong Movies such as Iron Monkey, Samurai Fiction (though that is a Japanese movie.), and in various types anime such as Ninja Scroll, Jubei Chan, Ninja Cadet etc... video games have them as main the main heros like Ninja Gaden, Shinobi etc.... and thats what I think about. Besides this topic was really more of a joke rant thing, kind of like the donkey topic.

    ok i just thought I'd tell you a brief history of the ninja.

    They are not actually "cool". A ninja is a disgraced Samauri hence the reason for the outfit, so noone can see them. They were basically hired killers.

    So that is why Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles changed to Hero turtles.

    Random fact for you.


  4. Sorry for my little rant, but this quote here really pissed me off!

    foul language is a cop-out for morons who're unable to express themselves otherwise using the plethora of words available in our language.

    Because I use foul language every now and then. AND I'M NO MORON!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends swear a lot, AND THEY ARE NOT MORONS, I got straight A's in school, I study Japansese and other types of Asian culture, I do anything and everything with computers (Graphic arts, web design, network admin. construction and repair), I play the flute, I'm learnign to DJ, And I'm learning to play Guitar. I'm an administrative asisstant for a mental health organization where I live and I've been Employee of the Month twice! I'm a very intellegent and capable person (I just suck in social situations.) You just have a deffernt set of moral values and that is ok, but it dosen't mean that you go and call someone a Moron!

    And IMHO intellegence is more then just having a big vocab. (vocabulary, I like to shorten words). I've known a few people who had a "plethora" of words in they're vocab and where "Morons"

    Sorry not trying to be "offensive" to anyone here I guess I'm not all that conservitive of a person.

  5. Maybe it is because I'm 25 and may have a better understanding of my age group. I don't know but I think there is nothing wrong with a little casual swearing amongsit friends. My friends and I do it a lot when where hanging out with each other. Everytime I go to a bar or a club, its not uncommon to here it in other peoples conversations. Like the word shit may come up a lot. It just the way causual talk is amongst young people now adays. At least some young people. And you know what? WE'RE NOT MORONS! How dare you judge anyone like that! Swearing every now and then is ok. Just don't over do it to were every other word that is comming out of your mouth is fuck. The bible (at least the christian bible) dosen't say it is wrong, it is just a moral issue in our society. And morals vary from person to person. Not everyone has the same morals you do! As far as swearing around kids go, I don't swear around kids try not to ruin their innocense even though by time they're 15 they will more then likely have none and probaly had more sex then I will ever hope to have. But at the same time I've never had sex with anyone and thus don't have any kids and thus I'm not responsalbie for anyone's kids. But I try not to swear around them too much. Be kinda bad if a 5 year old went to kindagarden and started swearing. But common you gotta lighten up a little, and comming from me that is BAD! Swearing ins't all that bad, it is just that there is a time and place for it. Military, College parties etc... etc... etc... . And most of the people I know dont' really care about it all that much. I mean they're just freakin words people!

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