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Posts posted by asdf174

  1. I guess I left out a few things/details, I'm also trying to learn how to DJ right now as well as learn to play guitar, I also do a lot of digital - type art. (Photoshop, gimp etc...) I hope to one day get into photography. More details about me being into computers include construction and repair, web desing, some programing, I'm and overall computer geek. And some people have asked what anime is: Japanese Animation.

  2. A little rant. Just my opion on the whole topic. Personally I don't think their is anything wrong with Howard Stern on the air. He is way offesnsive and I can more then understand why people woulnd't listen to his show, but thats the thing. They don't have to. I think the ones who listen to his show are the ones who want to and know what they are getting into when they listening to it or watch it on tv. As with any type of offensive programing. Point is adults can make thier own choice. Either watch it, listen to it or don't. But don't make the others who do like to listen to it suffer because you or someone else may have a moarl conflict with it. And I think thats what this is about, weather or not the FCC has the right to determine what Everyone should watch. They don't. I think the whole JJ thing was unfortunte and shouldn't have happened on reg. TV if it were on a cable network like HBO it might be a slightly different story she was trying to push the envelope and went to far. And I think the FCC was right to fine her, but now I think there just trying to make examples of everyone and need to just cool their jets. No one wants to see JJ's breast on regulaer prime time tv. Point understood. Now I do realize that their are kids out thier and its important to send a good message to them and stuff, but in all honesty thats for their parents to do. I'm still a virgin so thierfore I'm not a dad. I mean there was lots of stuff my mom didn't let me watch because she was my mom. What happened to that? I mean most television programs and movies and video games even have raiting systems for parents to look at to determine rather or not their right for their kids. Don't let them. And people who sale stuff indecent material to kids show be fined like the law says. I think current censorship standards and regulations that are in place right now are fine when you think about it. Or maybe I'm just full of crap I don't know.

  3. Yeah I love the black ones I have. I can't wait till I get the other pair. I can see how platform shoes can be considered "cheaters heels-shoes" because I can walk in my platform shoes really easly but I can't walk in my 6 inch pumps that don't have platform (but I'm practiceing). To be honest I like my pumps better because they seem more like a "true high heel" to me. They're like the ones in my avator picture. I have a pair of black ones and a pair of Fusicia ones. I'm going to get a few more pair.

  4. How many men out their have GF or have a wife that supports you wearing high heels? I only ask becasue I was thinking about how I never have had a gf. Kind of starting to wonder if I ever will. Esp. with this new found acceptecnce I have of me buying and wearing heels.

  5. Hello. (sorry I post so much. I'm very quite and shy in real life so I guess that makes me want to be talkitive online.) What is everyone here into? I'm kind of a geek to be honest. You know the type that never has had a gf. I'm into video games, anime, asian culture, computer science (programing, web design, construction and repair, graphic arts and design etc...), and techno music.

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