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Posts posted by Puffer

  1. ... i can do everything anybody else can do........it just sometimes takes some time to adjust to doing it

    ... im leaving on 3/12 for business and as a rule for business trips its only white french tips ...

    Two questions, scott:

    1. Can you pick your nose without risking brain damage? :pulsingheart:

    2. What is your line of business and what reaction to your nails do you get from business associates? :blinkbigeyes:

  2. Hi Puffer, I obiously missed that post.

    :online2long:They had them on the shelf. Discount? These were only £5.00 FIVE QUID. At Weston-super-Mare. England.

    Shiny Black Patent with HIGH HEELS about 5+ inches and "gold" heels and platform, just a little one. There were others designs,:blinkbigeyes: but they caught my eyes.

    I could not believe it.


    Thanks, Muddypaws. Are these the shoes? http://www.pricelessshoes.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product1_11051_-1_121014_11051

    If so, they do not appear to be listed as available above size 9, whether or not still in stock. Curious if you found them in an 11, although the plain patent version and other courts and boots are/were available in 11. (I'm not really interested in shoes like these; I don't like platforms or peep toes on male or female feet.)

  3. Hi all,

    Forgot to add that when I was in "Priceless" last week, i saw that they have sizes up to 11 now. So things are turning our way, for you guys with larger sizes.


    That welcome development has already been noted and acted upon, muddypaws, as you will see from various other postings!

    Which branch was it you visited? Did it actually have any 11s in stock, or were they merely advertised as being available to order? (Last time I looked, the website seemed to suggest that the larger sizes were mostly not in branch stock and couldn't be reserved for collection there. However, the mail order option is quite efficient and extra discounts are often available.)

  4. Thanks for the explanation, Slingfan. If you are in fact writing about your true-life en femme experiences, they are not really stories (i.e. fiction) so would it not be more appropriate for you to post in the 'For the guys' section? That is where others (notably kneehighs, HappyFeat and JeffB) tell us what they get up to when wearing heels etc. Just a thought - it would add credibility to your accounts.

    By the way, I do very much like the slingbacks in your avatar - a very feminine classic style which should be in every closet - and come out of it regularly!

  5. I would agree but promotions and such can be affected without the real reason being disclosed. ....

    I agree totally, CassieJ - that is the reality of the employment situation, especially in the slightly-less-litigious UK. Having been involved indirectly with employment-related disputes over the years, it is pretty clear that an employer will find a way to discriminate subtly against anyone who does not 'fit' - whether on grounds of age, sexual preference, disability, potential for pregnancy, hair colour or heel height ... No legislation can totally eliminate personal prejudice, however subconscious (and why should it?).

  6. Nice shot and nice boots ! (I must say he got quite a slim frame)

    Most comments at the bottom are positive.

    One comment made me laugh: "High heels aren't made for men"

    Look like this guy is not a member here...:blinkbigeyes:

    I suppose whoever made the comment might just have been expressing his regret that (as far as he knew) there were no high heels manufactured for men to wear. (Well, it would be nice to think that he did mean that ...!)

  7. Hi guys i had to buy a new pair of shoes as the boots cme apart from the sole,so i took on all your advice,and brought theese platform shoes instead


    That is unfortunate. Have you taken this up with the seller? Or indeed with Priceless (if that is where the boots did come from originally, as I suggested above - there may be markings to confirm this)? You could tell Priceless (Stylo Barratt) that they were a gift and you have no receipt. The feedback from Priceless customers seems generally very good and there are very few problems with quality.

    Meanwhile - tread carefully in your new shoes!

  8. Looks similar to jacket studs, of which the tangs or teeth are normally punched though the material then folded in.

    Presumably in the case of heels just hammer them into the heel tip- smaller "stud" than tip. obviously they are thin and will need replacing possible quite often.


    Avoid! you hammer them onto the existing heel, but often this makes the original heel brake its moulding around its attaching pin & you lose both of them.

    I'm not so sure these 'caps' are intended to be hammered in - the claws are right on the periphery so they look as though they should be crimped around an existing heel tip of the same o/d as the cap's i/d. In which case, there is surely nothing much to lose by trying them on a worn tip, assuming that they do not encroach on and damage the heel proper. If I am totally wrong, no doubt shoerepairer will tell us.

    (Let us know if you do succeed - but don't even think of sueing me if it all goes pear-shaped!)

  9. ... i have what would be considered long nails for a guy.........today about 1 1/4 inches ...

    Hi scott. Do you mean they project beyond your fingers by about 1.25" or that this is the overall length (i.e. perhaps a 0.5" projection)? Either way, that sounds pretty long to me!

    Do you wear heels yourself and what is your overall dress style/appearance (i.e. essentially masculine or feminine)? What reaction do you get to your nails etc in public?

  10. esnipe.com is the only way I've bid on anything for the past several years unless it's a "Buy it Now" at a good price. I think it cost $.01 on the dollar for each auction, but it will certainly pay for itself over and over again. So it's not freeware, but it works perfectly; and if you can't afford that, then you probably don't need to be bidding on anything anyway. Good luck..... go win the next auction!

    Forgive my ignorance, devab, but can you (or anyone else) tell me whether a sniping prog can do anything that a bidder cannot do in person 'live' at the last minute? Presumably, you still have to set a max bid and all the prog does is to attempt to place it at the last minute? (I'm not challenging the technique of anyone here, only asking how a sniping prog works.)

  11. A very elegant shoe in all respects. Not a round toe (fortunately); definitely more almond. Maybe it's an illusion but the heel looks as if placed just a little further back than it would be on a 'classic stiletto' shoe, but I don't argue with that. Louboutin heels, for example, seem generally to be even further back and, to me, spoil the line somewhat. But what do I know? :blinkbigeyes:

  12. Some very interesting comment and sound advice above. It is difficult to disagree with any of it - except of course on purely emotive grounds (e.g. wearing stilettos simply because one wants to, regardless of suitability, fashion sense, public ridicule, etc.)

    I've often thought that "acceptance" isn't quite the right word for what most men that crossdress or wear their heels in public are looking for. ... I guess my main point is that we all are seeking something that will make the "deviating from the ordinary" aspect disappear from general public psychic.

    Perhaps the word you're looking for may be "tolerance." Acceptance connotes an embracing or at least a willingly positive attitude. Tolerance is more neutral and connotes that a person can put up with (in this case) a fashion choice, but has no strong feelings he/she is willing to express either for it or against it.

    ... tolerance will do until something else comes along......

    When I read Bubba's first thoughtful note, 'tolerance' was the first word that came into my mind too, and is a fairly obvious one. But, upon reflection, it carries a 'grudging' connotation which is surely not what we are seeking? ('I dislike very cold weather but I can tolerate it when I have to.') In a way, it is even more negative than 'acceptance', which seems more final than just putting up with something that we would really prefer not to be happening.

    We can probably not expect wholehearted 'acceptance' of male heel wearing by the public at large - at least in the foreseeable future - but maybe we can gain (in addition to acceptance and positive tolerance) greater understanding, respect, support etc. (Now, I don't put any of those bold words forward as a better one to use, but I do suggest that they help to paint the bigger picture.)

    Maybe we can all think on this and perhaps there is a better word buried somewhere in the thesaurus - but my guess is that no single word will convey everything.

  13. I finally found that I manage now to walk pretty decently in 6" heels w/o PF. ... I guess I have to order the "Scream" heels now, as the next challenge :blinkbigeyes:

    I suspect that you are joking, heelma, but if not you might be disappointed. There have been several adverse comments about the quality of Scream heels (e.g. heel snapping off). I suppose it does depend on your weight and shoe size - I guess you are not exactly sylphlike?

    There was a clip on here some tyears ago of a male member walking around quite well in Screams, however.

  14. I just bought a pair of loafer's. They are black with a 3.75" heel. I am still trying to figure out what they would look good with! Will post a few pic's when I can.


    I would bet they would look best with clothes on........:happy::):lmao::lmao::lmao::blinkbigeyes:

    ... and most certainly without an otiose apostrophe. :clap:

  15. Slingfan: At the risk of sounding naiive, can you tell us whether the above accounts are fiction, or actually record your personal experiences (perhaps with a little embroidery)? I ask because, when questioned, you give the impression of telling us straightforwardly of your real-life activity. If these are essentially true accounts, were you dressed en femme or in (mostly) male clothes? You don't seem to have excited any comment about your overall appearance even though your shoes naturally drew people's attention. What is your normal mode of dress?

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