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Posts posted by squirrelheels

  1. Ahh thanks Robert. I hadn't read that thread! I'm not mathematically inclined but this subject does interest me... Therefore I think heel height should be measured in degrees! And their style in degrees centigrade! :wink: (Sorry....) SH

  2. On my own, I am comfortable with it. But when you step outside into the big wide world, I don't think you can ever be fully comfortable because wearing heels as a guy is "socially unacceptable". In all reality it's not, nobody _really_ cares, but it always feels that way. SH

  3. I totally understand what you're saying yamyam - It just seems crazy that it has to be this twisted way when it's just some extra rubber (or metal) under your shoe. I do understand how difficult it is for some people. I had problems telling people, and for quite a while I was stuck in a closet. But I had the opporunity to "come out" and I wasn't about to refuse it - after all, I have a life to live, and I'd rather no live it in a closet. And I know coming out of the closet ain't easy... especially if people are leaning against the door! (Ok... taking an analogy too far there!) SH

  4. Squirrel I admire your courage and zest, and for someone so young you have wisdom.

    I've often been told I'm mature for my age. All through my adolecence I was hanging around with adults and much older teenagers (siblings and people from church), so I guess that's had an effect on me.

    Take some advice from our wise young whiskered member and tell your GF.

    Hahah :D That made me laugh! (In a good way, of course!)

    Mk I love stories like yours, because I feel they help other guys realise that there are some open minded and loving people out there that can see beyond the outer covers.

    I learn something new every day from the people on this forum and it truly enriches my life.

    Glad to be of help :wink: I've learned a lot from my experiences, and if I can help other people using my experience, then I'm more than willing to share it.


  5. Well... Different people's minds work in different ways. For some, logical and methodical explantions must be found to say something is so. Other people just have blind faith. Blind faith is one of those things that either have or you don't. And it is something required to some degree to believe what happened in the Bible. Slightly unrelated... There are only 400 documents proving the existence of Julius Caesar, and about 40,000 documents proving the existence of Jesus. Intersting, isn't it? SH

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