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Posts posted by skirtandheel

  1. From where do you keep digging these up? I can't keep up; why did you have to remind me of that. OK, JJB, should have realised no kid would end it like that.

    I've not listened to the middle one yet. But I can already see where it's headed.

    And Peter S?

    Still, these all have a bright side; the howling wind, freezing rain/sleet/snow don't seem quite so bad, now, knowing that I could be subjected to another bout of aural torture at any moment:-)

  2. I think I'm losing track of the letters and numbers.  How do you chaps do it?  It was typical Dylan that he changed the words to 'took away my house and my land.'  A songwriter yes, and a way with words, but a poet, no.  Shall we put that one to rest?  I saw him live, at Earl's Court in 1984.  Once was enough for me.  So many wonderful songs, such a rubbish performer.

    I'm just sticking with C1, C2 & C3, else my head would explode! Thanks for confirming my suspicion about his stagecraft.


    I'm torn with I shot the Sheriff.   I think that's C2 ( I think that's the tribute one).  I like them both

    Definitely a tribute; different styles but not one better than the other.

    Had the pleasure of seeing Clapton at the Royal Albert Hall. Limited view seats turned out to be gems up in the "Gods". Could clearly see a string break midway through a song; he didn't miss a beat and just played around it!

    It certainly has been A Hard Day's Night! Don't you just love tech;-)
  3. I'm still trying to properly listen to L & RW but am limited with an (allegedly) "smartphone" at the moment.

    As for Dylan, despite being such a talented songwriter, I don't think I've ever heard him perform something where I thought his version was better than either someone's original or where his original was better than the cover. So, in this case I'm going for C1 without having propery listened to the two; I don't think he will ever achieve C2, nor can he ever be accused of C3. Having said all of that, I'd love to see him live.

    May I offer Bob Marley vs Eric Clapton with "I Shot the Sheriff" into the thread. Sorry, no links for the moment as I'm struggling with this piece of technology!

  4. OK, yes, that RS performance was a C1.  I found a much smoother recording without cardboard!


    I'm honestly not sure where to put the TS version of VH, mainly because it was incomplete.  But what a talent if you looked at any of her other work!


    Now, LW vs RW?  Frankly, I'd put this as C3.  Sounds like he's just trying to "take over the board" of "daddy's business".  Makes not a jot whether he's gay/straight/bi/asexual/hermaphrodite etc.  Go write your own stuff junior!


    I'll have to look for some more offerings - back soon.

  5. Were you intending to compare JH with JH in the links :cheeky:.  I think RS gets the nod with a C2 there; it's smoother.


    The studio recording of Cushty was enjoyable, but there was too much background noise in the pub.


    Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find a full length version of the next cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_lwocmL9dQ&list=RDz_lwocmL9dQ#t=66 so I don't think it can get anything but a C1 with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV6SmY04WdE but have a look at some of the other recordings!

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soJBGLP7Akk  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcL---4xQYA  Wat were the 'Zep' thinking of with that overblown version of a Harris classic?


    That's a difficult one, but I think I'm going to side, ever so slightly, with Messrs Page and Plant :cheeky:.  Not sure I want to contemplate the meaning of the title in the context of RH :shocked:.


    Going back to JC vs RC, I think it's a C1, but it's a very close call.  The time when each was recorded again plays a major factor, and I think RC's talent puts him with the best of the best guitarists, but I prefer the simplicity of JC here.  Obviously no right or wrong.


    At the moment I'm struggling to think of any further offerings that provide a good mixture, but might I suggest a comparison between ABBA and Westlife (so many choices), or is that leading this thread completely off topic and into the realms of tastelessness?

  7. I'm going to attempt to steer the thread back on track before things deteriorate any further.

    It's high time to introduced some culture I think:




    I like a bit of culture, but not 1h:50m worth on laptop speakers!


    I was reminded of this tonight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxUfg3uCBbg You can imagine how grateful I was.


    And I'm not getting into whatever that was.


    So, thanks to inspiration from the "Covers" thread, I present https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff974Ocxl4Q.  If I recall correctly, and it was some time ago, Giorgio Moroder was getting so frustrated by the industry that he thought he could make a truly awful act/record and propel it to the top of the charts on hype alone.  At the time, I believe he was both correct and succeeded!  I wonder what he thinks now.

  8. Quite. 'To be or not to be, that... is illogical ,Captain.'


    Oh, undoubtedly C1.  I think the LS one (I'm going to follow your shorthand lead) is my favourite of the two, but the M one gets played lots, so bless them for giving him a pension.  I think they nailed the medium of video rather better than him.


    I'm sure that's C1 but spills unintentionally into C2.  Nillson's, sorry, N's, has more soul.  As for MC, well obviously C3.  I haven't got enough data for all the syllables she adds.


    As for Substitute, maybe there's a call for category C4, cynically riding someone else's song but doing an OK job in a way.  Or is it C3b?


    So, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KSLfhx_10M  and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXbrS3Msgww


    I find that if I have it playing and click then copy the address bar it comes up without previewing me in bed.  That's saved me many blushes.


    I concur with your conclusion about HN's rendition. Sad to think neither B nor HS are with us.  MC can join WH and CD.


    OK, so we're giving each of these Citroen ratings, are we?  C1, C2, C3 and C4 :fine:  Yep, let's go with C4 on that one.


    As for Son of My Father, it's been a while since I heard that one.  I think CT scrape a C1 here; although as it was very soon after the original they could just have been riding the talent of GM.  Talking of whom, I think you may have given me a chance to redeem myself in the "Links to the Worst Music Ever" thread.


    Skirtandheel, I am not familiar with Helene Fischer who singed The Power of Love in your post, but wow, what a stunning woman with a beautiful voice! 


    I thought so, too, on both counts.  As I said, I stumbled upon her performance when looking for the original.  I read that she's German of Russian descent, so unlikely to make mainstream in UK/USA.


    Please add some music, too.


    My next two go for a very different style.  Probably just a reminder for most, but see what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ho9rZjlsyYY and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgbgUrp1a70


    Listening to this again reminds me of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds musical!

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